Digital experiences for all disciplines
Forum Replies Created
We’ve not heard of Polylang, but we recommend WPML with our themes.
– Ed
Hi Pierre,
Do you have any plugins installed? This works fine on our demo.
– Ed
Hi there,
The reason they don’t open in a new window is because the default functionality is for the portfolio to be AJAX driven.
You’d need to edit the /includes/sf-functions.php file to edit the link output for the items.
– Ed
Hi there,
Not as standard, although we’ll add this to the wishlist.
– Ed
Glad you managed to sort it out 🙂
– Ed
Hi there,
It’s not possible without modifying the theme js file. You can find it in /js/functions.js.php line 436-439:
returnSize: function() { var itemColumns = 1, windowWidth = $j(window).width(); return windowWidth >= 380 && windowWidth < 480 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 480 && windowWidth < 768 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 768 && windowWidth < 1160 ? itemColumns = 3 : windowWidth >= 1160 && windowWidth < 1640 ? itemColumns = 4 : windowWidth >= 1640 && windowWidth < 2100 ? itemColumns = 5 : windowWidth >= 2100 && (itemColumns = 6), itemColumns; },
That function decides how many columns based on the window width.
You can change the effect opacity with the following css, add it to the custom css box within theme options and alter the values:
.portfolio-items:hover > li { filter:alpha(opacity=20)!important; -moz-opacity: 0.2!important; opacity: 0.2!important; }
– Ed
Link goes to a 404 page?
– Ed
That’s what you needed to do 🙂
– Ed
This isn’t the correct place for a support request, please log it in the theme forum.
– Ed
Please try clearing your cache, or another browser.
We’ve added the theme name to the search results dropdown, so that you can see what theme it is before you click on it.
– Ed
Hey guys,
Quick explanation here.
The accent colour is obvious to what it controls. I would list all the instances, but there are ALOT.
The alt accent colour is mainly used for the text colour when an accent colour is used for a background colour.
The secondary accent colour is used for things like the respond submit button, show menu button, flexslider background, swift slider styling, and sidebar colours.
The secondary accent alt colour follows the same pattern as the accent alt colour.
Hope that helps.
– Ed
Hmm.. Code all seems ok. Do you have the domain added on FontDeck?
– Ed
Hi Nick,
You’re welcome, glad you’re enjoying it!
The font css code that you add, should be the following for both sections:
div { font-family:"Din Text Pro Regular", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size-adjust:0.5; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }
We have code that changes the “div” to be the right selectors in the output. Can you confirm that’s what you’ve done?
– Ed
I think it’s likely something that is part of your hosting setup, or FTP program.
– Ed
Hi there,
It’s not possible as standard, although we’ll add it to the wishlist 🙂
– Ed
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