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Posted in: We hit Power Elite.
I do but I’ve also already solved the problem as staterd in the EDIT part… sorry for disturbing, I was looking into it for almost 2 hours and suddenly realised what was wrong…
That work perfectly ! Thanks a lot for that !
Hi Ed,
But where do I insert this code, in function.php or page.php ?
Hi everyone !
Just realized I never put my website here :
A french speaking website about living in Thailand and travelling in Asia.
Enjoy !
Okay I’ve found the answer thanks to the plugin support, for those interested need to add this code in the function.php :
function bk_set_jetpack_width() { $content_width = 750; return $content_width; } add_filter('jetpack_content_width', 'bk_set_jetpack_width');
But now here is the tricky part, this work for a page with a sidebar as I can set a specific width but if use with a no sidebar page… I asked them and this is what he replied :
Somewhere in your theme’s template, there is likely some if statements that pull from that sidebar setting and determine something different to happen (a change in classes for the CSS to pick up on, etc).
Wherever your theme’s templates pull that option is likely the best spot for code like this.
More about add_filter is at the Codex:
Basically, the 11 is the priority number of that particular filter. Without a number, it defaults to 10. Something at priority level 1 is filtered first, something at a higher number later.
So, for example, how Jetpack’s Sharing buttons at the end of a post work via an add_filter(‘the_content’, “sharing_display’, 19)
If you wanted to do something to the_content and have it happen before the Sharing buttons are added, you’d want to be sure to do it at a number lower than 18. If you want to do something later, you want a number higher.In our code above, the initial code that I suggested for functions.php doesn’t have a number, so it defaults to 10. In your case, since you have something special that you want to apply only in certain cases, we want be completely sure that the full-width number is used instead in those specific cases. To do that, we add priority level 11.
So my guess is that somewhere in the page.php I have to add this code but not really sure where as I’m not really good at php (tried some different places but did not work…) Any help on this ?
Thanks !
@Mohammad, I don’t know how to contact a person directly on this forum…
Hi Ed,
Unfortunately I already got this version which doesn’t fix my issue while @Sebcavern seems to fix it, he just replied yesterday but seems that he didn’t attached the files…
Salut Seb, je vois pas de pièce jointe, où est le fichier ?
RomainCan someone share the latest version for french ? I had problem with and someone (sebcavern) said he could fix it but haven’t share his version… thanks
Maybe it’s been already mentionned but it would be great if we could actullay access all the shorcodes available in the page builder without the need of using the page builder itself, simply put all the shorcodes in a list with the already separated Swift Frameworks shorcodes, sounds more logic to me…
There is no way to contact @sebcaverne directly ? Still no reply and I’m still waiting this files…
Actually after upgrading to wordpress 3.8.3 it seems back to normal. Thanks
Hi, I’m still waiting for the files… would be great to share them Please !
Yes seb I would like the files too, I still got the problem on my site and don’t have much time to recreate a french version from scratch. Thanks.
Yes, don’t know why it’s that big when I saved it… do you know how to reduce it ?
Posted in: We hit Power Elite.