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The Featured Clients is responsive and all the image containers in the maximum resolution have a size of 170px wide. That blank size is the difference bettween the 170px and the clients logo image size.
If you can you get the 2 last logos(Elle and Pandora) with at least 170px of width, I guess it will work.
Best Regards,
The previous code that I sent you is to change the opacity of the Portfolio Item when you are with the mouse over.
The code below changes the opacity of the rest of the grid.
.portfolio-items:hover > li { filter:alpha(opacity=40)!important; -moz-opacity: 0.4!important; opacity: 0.4!important; }
Let me know it works
Just add the code bellow to the Clique custom css option in General Options.
In the example bellow I turn the opacity into half of what it was, from 100 to 50 and 1 to 0.5.portfolio-items li:hover { cursor: pointer; filter:alpha(opacity=50)!important; opacity: 0.5!important; }
Best Regards,
Regarding the first question, a modal window can’t be exactly considered has a link. That is just a reference to be possible to open a Div in a modal window style.
If you wan’t to change it because of SEO of the website that is not even taken in consideration.
Regarding the second question can you provide a link to your site to inspect if there is any error.
Best Regards,
Just made a few css changes to correct those graphic issues, but we can’t support all third party plugins.
I hope you understand.
Best Regards,
The logo filename you had in the custom css was wrong.
Made some changes. Take another lookBest Regards,
Can you explain further.
It’s in a specific page?
Can’t you see the Logo?Thanks,
I can see it the week view, and it’s moving from one week to another when I press the next week button.
Check the attached screenshot.Best Regards,
Try this code to see if it works. Place it in the childtheme functions.php file to avoid problems in future updates.
function sf_blog_aux($width) { $blog_aux_output = ""; $options = get_option('sf_dante_options'); $filter_wrap_bg = $options['filter_wrap_bg']; $rss_feed_url = $options['rss_feed_url']; $tags_list = wp_tag_cloud('smallest=12&largest=12&unit=px&format=list&number=50&orderby=name&echo=0'); $archive_list = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&limit=12&echo=0'); $author_list = wp_list_authors('echo=0'); $blog_aux_output .= '<div class="blog-aux-wrap row">'; // open .blog-aux-wrap $blog_aux_output .= '<ul class="blog-aux-options bar-styling '.$width.'">'; // open .blog-aux-options // TAGS $blog_aux_output .= '<li><a href="#" class="blog-slideout-trigger" data-aux="tags"><i class="ss-tag"></i>'.__("Tags", "swiftframework").'</a>'; // SEARCH FORM $blog_aux_output .= '<li class="search"><form method="get" class="search-form" action="'. home_url().'/">'; $blog_aux_output .= '<input type="text" placeholder="'. __("Search", "swiftframework") .'" name="s" />'; $blog_aux_output .= '</form></li>'; // AUTHORS $blog_aux_output .= '<li><a href="#" class="blog-slideout-trigger" data-aux="authors"><i class="ss-user"></i>'.__("Authors", "swiftframework").'</a>'; // SEARCH FORM $blog_aux_output .= '<li class="search"><form method="get" class="search-form" action="'. home_url().'/">'; $blog_aux_output .= '<input type="text" placeholder="'. __("Search", "swiftframework") .'" name="s" />'; $blog_aux_output .= '</form></li>'; // ARCHIVES $blog_aux_output .= '<li><a href="#" class="blog-slideout-trigger" data-aux="archives"><i class="ss-storagebox"></i>'.__("Archives", "swiftframework").'</a>'; // RSS LINK if ($rss_feed_url != "") { $blog_aux_output .= '<li><a href="'.$rss_feed_url.'" class="rss-link" target="_blank"><i class="fa-rss"></i>'.__("RSS", "swiftframework").'</a>'; } $blog_aux_output .= '</ul>'; // close .blog-aux-options $blog_aux_output .= '</div>'; // close .blog-aux-wrap $blog_aux_output .= '<div class="filter-wrap slideout-filter blog-filter-wrap row clearfix">'; // open .blog-filter-wrap $blog_aux_output .= '<div class="filter-slide-wrap col-sm-12 alt-bg '.$filter_wrap_bg.'">'; if ($tags_list != '') { $blog_aux_output .= '<ul class="aux-list aux-tags row clearfix">'.$tags_list.'</ul>'; } if ($author_list != '') { $blog_aux_output .= '<ul class="aux-list aux-authors row clearfix">'.$author_list.'</ul>'; } if ($archive_list != '') { $blog_aux_output .= '<ul class="aux-list aux-archives row clearfix">'.$archive_list.'</ul>'; } $blog_aux_output .='</div></div>'; // close .blog-filter-wrap /* AUX BUTTONS OUTPUT ================================================== */ return $blog_aux_output; }
Best Regards,
You were misinformed by Modern Tribe, this isn’t a problem with any theme. As you said the problem persist with Twenty Twelve theme.
The result of our analysis indicates that you build this current site in a subdomain and at the end of it you moved everything to the main domain.
domain: left the link of the calendar pointing to and when you hit the next month button is made an Ajax request to
This is interpreted by the browser has a cross-domain Ajax request that is denied because of security reasons.
What is wrong here is just the Link of the Calendar menu item.
Instead of should be will probably solve it.
Sorry for some technical words.Best Regards,
In your “Ordering Tracking” page add the shortcode bellow to the page content.
Regarding the footer didn’t understand exactly what you want to achieve.
That is a 4 column footer, to fill the content you must go to Appearance-> Widgets and fill the widgets(Footer column 1, Footer column 2, Footer column 3, Footer column 4).
The achieve the look and feel of the widgets of the middle add a custom menu to each widget and select the respective menu.
Regarding the product filter, that doesn’t appear in your site? Can you send us the link of your site, and some user admin credentials.
Best Regards,
Can you send the link of your website so we can check?
Best Regards,
Can you provide the url of your site so we can take a look.
Best Regards,
Just remove this following line from the css above.
text-align: center !important;
It will align by default to the left, and it will stay aligned with the logo.
Best Regards,
Can you provide your site url and admin user credentials to login and take a look at your dashboard.
You can send it through the private reply option.Best Regards,
Rui -