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  • #55715
    Post count: 19

    Dear Team.

    According to pic attachment. How to change link for menu in above page. “Email care, Shipping informaiton, Return & exchage.

    Hope you can help for this.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 19

    Dear team.

    I am in testing process. When i try to checkout product , at the moment of put address .After put on city and will be put “Postcode” it seem the box of shipping and handling is running all the time.

    When i fill it all. the shipping and handling is still running and I can’t go any process.

    What should i do for this. Please help.

    Best regards,

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding the first question, a modal window can’t be exactly considered has a link. That is just a reference to be possible to open a Div in a modal window style.

    If you wan’t to change it because of SEO of the website that is not even taken in consideration.

    Regarding the second question can you provide a link to your site to inspect if there is any error.

    Best Regards,

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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