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yes mikko sent me a message to the same effect
however he said to only specify _sku as the custom field to be indexed
i did this, rebuilt the index, and it in fact works and is quite fast
there is however a minor bug, which is confusing, in that first it displays the message no product found
before returning the correct product
so i have a followup with mikko as to how to fix that
you can see it work on my site with sku value LD6261
so now i have a feature that no competitor has in my space!
awesomeness !
now all i have to is figure out how to have a search by vendor work (which would mean adding a custom field)
and my life as we know it thus far would be complete
hi david. i guessed it had to do with the YIT Wishlist plugin. So I turned it off. Then I indexed
my DB. Turned YIT back on, and that fixed the problem.So I was then able to test if Relevanssi could retrieve SKU and Products Names. As I have it configured, with the non premium version, the answer is no.
So I went to the trouble of finding out exactly where the SKUs are stored, and how precisely to retrieve a user specificed SKU using standard SQL.
I then sent Mikko the developer of Relevanssi the following email, and await his answer. You may be interested in this, as you spoke highly of this widget.
All I want is the ability of this widget to execute a function that produces the same result. My professional background happens to be relational database technology, so it was quite simple to examine the WP/WC schema and derive the correct SQL query.
This is not an Atelier issue per se, but I think many Atelier users would like to be able to have this functionality available to their customer base.
==================> start of email:
hi mikko
the result set i want for my sku search is satisfied by the following query
SELECT p.post_title, s.meta_value
FROM wp_posts p, wp_postmeta s
WHERE p.ID = s.post_id
AND p.post_type= ‘product’
AND s.meta_key = ‘_sku’
AND s.meta_value LIKE ‘%some user defined value%’
ORDER BY p.post_title ASCwhat this query does is return the product name and sku based on some user defined parameter
as typed in a search box
but blocking the ability of the user to pass dangerous characters favored by hackers
i have tested this using a database front end and it works correctly 100%can Relevanssi execute such a query or execute some PHP function that achieve the same result?
What does the administrator have to do in terms of setting indexing options in the widget for this to work?
Please note I have already set your widget to only index woocommerce Products
I am NOT interested in searching posts, comments, etc
only Product Names and Product SKUsthe Premium ($49) version of Relevanssi seems has the following features
Search post categories, tags and custom taxonomies – X X
Search custom fields – X X
would these be used to enable SKU searching? If so, how?Thanks!
January 26, 2016 at 1:26 am in reply to: just released: woocommerce update 2.5.1 – 25/01/2016 #243637very sorry to go off on you guys like that. i will wait 48 hours, then update. thank you , ed.
k so i installed relevanssi… and attempted to build an index which apparently is necessary to use it
and this happenedRelevanssi Search Options
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wc_print_notices() in /home/adminIDxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/atelier/woocommerce/wishlist.php on line 78
i known. this is not an atelier problem. we have to hire a web developer to make a plug in work.
oh well. it was nice while it lasted.
what is rankling about this whole SKU thing is that this is a basic elementary query that is nothing more
than an sql select of a column from a product table (ignoring for the moment the reality pf tje contorted non normalized weirdness that is the entire wp / woocommerce sql schema, not to mention the absence of a simple data dictionary that enables an admin or developer to find where needed data is located)that turns into this incredibly complicated song and dance involving something like relanssi to perfrom a rudimentary lookup function…. one that to make matters worse fails for some unknown reason to index the wp database and now i have to waste time figuring out why this failure occured instead of tending to customer needs
woocommerce should have the ability to query skus available out the box already, and by that i mean the ability to have a ready made search box that does this in a simple and straighforward manner. i checked their user forum (which they have apparently shut down, incredible as that is) and people have been asking for this for 3 years now. but i guess they dont want to hear this so they shut the user forum down.
absolutely incredible.
i have changed my mind about going to their austin conf.
now here is a talented young uk programmer who actually seems to get ecommerce.
i have contacted him just now re compatibility with latest versions of wp.
re relavanssi i remember now researching this widget some months back
my recollection from the time tells me that it adds huge indexing tables to mysql and basically slows everything down to a crawl
what i am looking for is the ability to query the SKU column only in the whatever table contains this field
so you would have an SKU widget that you can stick in the sidebar… coolness for an ecommerce site!
so the pseudo code stored query would be on the order of SELECT [product] from some_table where sku=[some user input value]
i would disallow any form of wild card searching for obvious reasons
so i’ll see if there is a single function specific widget that performs string matching searches just off the sku column
for an ecommerce site the overhead of the widget might be worth it if the code is clean and efficient
i’d actually already checked out the capelle flyout. for the $7 i was wondering if it worked with atelier or not.
would love to know if any of your existing customers use thisin terms of deep integration with the woocommerce loyalty extension, well, something like this might be better than nothing at all
okay i will show u guys what i like in the form of existing code i simplified. it places the flyout banner on the right hand side of the page, and it goes from right to left (i think left to right is more effective). this code is the simplification of a complex form based flyout that i found on codepen, and i junked most of their unnecessary form based stuff which was actually written in SASS.
it is very crude. but it does the job without looking like some annoyingly distracting flash thing.
however i can think of much interesting (but still elegantly simple) approaches from a UI perspective
in particular, allowing the user to enter their userid to opt-in for the reward program
instead of having to go to another page (like i have here) to sign in, which adds a lot of friction
to getting them sign up for a loyalty reward.basically i want one click signup for a loyalty program that would be implemented via the woocommerce rewards extension. the purpose of the flyout would be to enroll them in that as easily as possible with the fewest clicks possible to reduce bounce as much as possible.
the problem now is that if they sign up, the site admin gets the usual woocommerce new user email, and you have the hassle of manually keeping track of who get the loyalty program and who doesn’t.
but what i want is for a customer (new or existing) to sign up for their reward in once click as soon after they arrive on the hp.
so instead of having some annoying immovable flyout like on pinterest that blocks the view
i want the flyout to be clickable, so the user drives the flyout (not some automated timer things that does nothing but annoy) and control the experience
and a customer then either types their existing userid to optin
or signs up as a new user to get th rewards
like all your customers, i am operating in a very competitive space, and i want every possible advantage to gain market share. online retailing is a knife fight where you need every possible tool at your disposable to survive.
if atelier could write something that allows the user to determine the direction and size of the flyout
AND provide this one click log in functionality)…then swift builder would probably rule in the woocommerce theme space, even though strictly speaking this goes beyond theme building.
here is the primitive code forked off codepen that my test example is based on
/* this goes in a raw html box in swift builder */ <div id="flyout" > <div id="button" style="color:white;"> <div class="text btn btn-primary">Reward yourself</div> /* this is what the user clicks on */ </div> <h1 style="font-weight:bolder; color: white;">Be loyal to Erin!</h1> <h3>And earn a $100 store credit. <br> Find out more <a href=""><span style="font-weight: bold; color: #4cbb17; font-size: 135%;"</span>here.</a></h3> </div> /* this goes in the custom css */ #flyout { width: 350px; min-height: 150px; background: #A50000; background: -moz-radial-gradient(90% 50%, ellipse cover, #f20000 0%, #A50000 75%); background: -webkit-gradient(radial, 90% 50%, 0px, 90% 50%, 75%, color-stop(0%, #f20000), color-stop(75%, #A50000)); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(90% 50%, ellipse cover, #f20000 0%, #A50000 40%); background: -o-radial-gradient(90% 50%, ellipse cover, #f20000 0%, #A50000 75%); background: -ms-radial-gradient(90% 50%, ellipse cover, #f20000 0%, #A50000 75%); background: radial-gradient(ellipse at 90% 50%, #f20000 0%, #a50000 75%); border: 1px solid #A50000; position: absolute; top: 30px; right: -350px; -webkit-transition: all 400ms ease; -moz-transition: all 400ms ease; -ms-transition: all 400ms ease; -o-transition: all 400ms ease; transition: all 400ms ease; -webkit-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; padding: 15px; } #flyout h3 { margin: 0; color: #fff; } #flyout h4 { color: #fff; margin: 0 0 20px 0; } #flyout .form-control { color: #A50000; } #flyout textarea { min-height: 100px; } #flyout .btn-default { background-color: #fff; border: none; color: #A50000; } #flyout .btn-default:hover { opacity: 0.4; } #flyout #button { position: absolute; top: 64px; left: -98px; border-bottom: 0; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); -o-transform: rotate(-90deg); -webkit-transition: all 400ms ease; -moz-transition: all 400ms ease; -ms-transition: all 400ms ease; -o-transition: all 400ms ease; transition: all 400ms ease; } #flyout #button .text { -webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; padding: 10px 20px 15px 20px; opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: all 400ms ease; -moz-transition: all 400ms ease; -ms-transition: all 400ms ease; -o-transition: all 400ms ease; transition: all 400ms ease; border-bottom: none; } #flyout #button .btn-primary { background-color: #A50000; border-color: #A50000; } #flyout:hover { right: 0; -webkit-transition: all 400ms ease; -moz-transition: all 400ms ease; -ms-transition: all 400ms ease; -o-transition: all 400ms ease; transition: all 400ms ease; }
i changed the font, size, and color… and i think it looks pretty good, but boxy.
i would appreciate your opinion. do you think it is a stylistic value add
to have a tiny triangle point down toward the magnifier?would that be a no no since this does not happen anywhere else on atelier and the gods of UI design would shoot me at dawn for doing this?
thanks david. i will change the css and look into relevanssi.
almost … i want to change the font to the font you guys use
in the shopping cart drop down box…is that font family Satisfy that i need to put in my styling code?there is another more substantive issue
i take it this is a search box woocommerce developed?i gather the widget search posts box is from wp
and the search box on the menu is from woocommerce that you guys simply styled and put on the menu for this theme?
the problem is this… it does not search SKUs — just goes by product name
i want a more powerful searching capability. ideally by sku, product size, or product name
(i already implemented search by product category, as you can see, in the sidebar, with the help of a widget — customers are loving this!)
basically i want my site to the easiest site in this space for finding a product and buying it at the click of a button or tap of a finger
any ideas how2 i might do either of those things? (ie, font + better searching)
i updated my site with latest woo and atelier versions after checking with the developer of the easy ssl widget i used and everything is working correctly.
aliso has this latest atelier update been tested against woocommerce 2.5?
“you have version 1.9.1 installed. Update to 1.9.2.”
or should i wait for an official go ahead from swift ideas?
thanks, ali.
too based the suits at swift ideas aren’t springing for a conference jaunt to promote atelier et al. i would have liked to have met you guys in person as you have been very helpful. next time!
no problem. i will try to implement this idea using js/css, without touching the HTML or using PHP, and see what happens. this is now my mission in life. 😉
Posted in: Reply To: scrolling sticky top bar