Digital experiences for all disciplines
Forum Replies Created
You shouldn’t need to change anything. If you need help with that, please post in the Flexform forum.
– Ed
Just had a look, and you managed to sort it yourself? 🙂
– Ed
Hi there,
I think I responded to you in another ticket? It looks like either you’ve uploaded the wrong theme folder, or there is a server issue. Can you post a link?
– Ed
1) In the right sidebar asset I can see it says private in the title? The rest of the posts work fine so it must be something you’ve changed visibility wise on this post.
2) In the alias box, make sure you’ve typed the correct name, as they suggest in the error.
No you don’t need to pay, you just need to remove the old version and upload the new version.
– Ed
Hi there,
If you go to Appearance > Widgets, you will find the footer columns where you can add widgets.
– Ed
Hi there,
The nav pointer will only show when the current page is in the menu, else it won’t have anywhere to default to!
– Ed
@tripthreat2409 – thanks for the help, much appreciated 🙂
@djnicke – You can add the following css to stop them being greyed out:#top-bar li { opacity: 1!important; -moz-opacity: 1!important; filter: alpha(opacity= 100)!important; }
Changing the images would be quite a bit of custom css though!
– Ed
The logo will resize to fit the container as it uses the responsive bootstrap framework. You can change the size of the logo container by following the guide here –Â
– Ed
Sure, follow the guide here –Â
– Ed
Thanks for pointing this out – standard case of IE ignoring inline rules. Will get this fixed in v1.2.
– Ed
Please make sure /wp-content/uploads is writeable (CHMOD 755). If you aren’t sure how to do this, then ask your host.
– Ed
Hi there,
Glad you’re enjoying it!
1) Yes, this is a free resource that we found on the internet –
2) You’d need to make quite a few modifications for this, it’s not something that is possible out of the box.
– Ed
You can’t add the accordion within a text block, as it’s a standalone element.
– Ed
To remove the top bar menu select a page, add the following to Flexform Options > General Options > Custom CSS:
#top-bar .show-menu { display: none; }
and this to remove the author information:
.standard-post-author { display: none; }
– Ed
Can you provide a link to the page so that we can see? Have you set the thumbnail type for the items?
– Ed