Digital experiences for all disciplines
Forum Replies Created
No worries, glad you sorted it!
– Ed
Make sure you have the featured image set for the post. You can find the option to set this in the right hand column when you edit a post.
– Ed
You can reduce the height by adding the following to Pinpoint Options > General Options > Custom CSS:
.widget.widget_nav_menu ul li > a { padding: 8px 0; }
You could add an arrow with a background image if you liked.
– Ed
Add to Pinpoint Options > General Options > Custom CSS
#menubar-controls { display: none; } #main-navigation { width: 97%; } nav .menu { text-align: center; } nav .menu li { float: none; }
– Ed
You can change the border around the tabbed content with:
.wpb_tabs .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
and the tabs themselves are:
.wpb_tabs.standard .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li {}
You should add also custom css to Pinpoint Options > General Options > Custom CSS
– Ed
The form code that you get from Wysija should include an “action” parameter in the form tag. This is the action URL. You may need to edit the input in header.php line 307-311 to match the requirements for Wysija.
– Ed
You’re welcome. Errors like that are annoying, and unless you know from experience what causes them it’s not always easy to identify the issue.
Glad it’s sorted 🙂
– Ed
Hi Graffig,
I’ve not seen this before. Are you able to replicate the issue, or not?.. For this page, were you purely working in the page builder, or swapping back and forth between the classic editor?
One thing you could check is the page revisions. Make sure it’s enabled in Screen Options > Revisions, then scroll to the bottom to see the dated revisions. You could then revert to a previous saved version?
– Ed
You can change the background colour for any asset that has an Alt BG option. You can set these in Flexform Options > Asset Background Options.
– Ed
Unfortunately I don’t think that’s possible with the revolution slider, you’d have to look at a custom solution, or maybe a plugin?
– Ed
Hi Vikram,
We run a very powerful Dedicated Server, as we have to deal with large traffic spikes and a lot of traffic across our network of demos and support.
The theme itself is quick, so if you’re seeing slow performance it’s likely your hosting. You could try installing W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache?
– Ed
Hi Martijn,
You can change the colour in the color customiser (link in the WP Admin Bar).
– Ed
Thanks for pointing that out, it’s the jQuery UI styling overwriting it. I’ve just added it to the fix list for the update. If you want to change it now, you can use the following css to Flexform Options > General Options > Custom CSS:
.ui-widget-content a { color:Â #333; } .ui-widget-content a:hover { color: #222; }
– Ed
Edit /includes/page-builder/composer/lib/shortcodes/portfolio.php, find the instances of:
and remove them.
– Ed
We found a lot of users wanted pop out mobile menus rather than the select box, which was why we developed this solution 🙂
– Ed