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  • in reply to: Major Problems with my Portfolio Now #100442
    Post count: 206

    I can’t gain access to wordpress site 🙁 Must be down.

    in reply to: Major Problems with my Portfolio Now #100439
    Post count: 206

    The CSS code never worked I’m afraid 🙁

    The flickering and disappearing of images only happens when I click on a filter category. If I select ‘All’ then everything remains fine. Really annoying.

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #100429
    Post count: 206


    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #100426
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    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #100412
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    in reply to: Major Problems with my Portfolio Now #100401
    Post count: 206

    Sorry but I don’t see it being an HTC issue when My website was working perfectly fine on my phone before this problem arose. And if for talking sake, it was an HTC issue, shouldn’t yourselves try to fix this issue / bug? If this template doesn’t work in HTC mobile phones then its hardly a great template and your going to lose out on sales!! What am I supposed to do buy a new phone so my site looks operates and looks better??

    The last couple of days all I’ve done is upgraded my wordpress template from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2. I also installed ‘Adrotates’ plugin. I deactivated the adrotates plugin straight after I discovered the problem but my portfolio still experiences the same problem!

    Is there anyway I can go back to 3.9.1 to see if the wordpress update affected my portfolio because I can’t see what else would have affected my site. My site was working great before.

    in reply to: Major Problems with my Portfolio Now #100188
    Post count: 206

    Ive tried other devices and they work fine. I really dodon’t see how it can be my browser when my gallery worked perfectly just over a day ago!!!

    in reply to: Problem with Portfolio Filter #100102
    Post count: 206

    Ok I worked out what the problem was. I went back into my portfolio gallery of images and discovered that all the filter categories had been ticked for every portfolio item! I did not tick all boxes for all images. So this automatic ticking of boxes must have resulted either by… Me upgrading my wordpress template to the latest version or something else.

    I would hate to think that each time I upgrade my template all my images are going to be automatically ticked for every category making my filter system utter useless! Plus it takes me a great deal of time and effort to go through every single image to alter. My gallery is only going to grow bigger each day so I could not do this “altering” every single time I upgrade my template.

    Can someone explore this problem / bug please and find out the cause because I really do not want this problem to happen again. Thank you.

    in reply to: Recent Blog Posts Problem #99872
    Post count: 206

    I looked but don’t see any custom comments.

    in reply to: Recent Blog Posts Problem #99868
    Post count: 206


    Do you also have a custom comments widget?

    in reply to: Can users add comments to the images in my portfolio? #99621
    Post count: 206

    Using that bulk edit feature within my portfolio items gallery can I ADD tags to all images within a certain category(s) so that I don’t need to add tags to every uploaded image, this will be done for me automatically?

    in reply to: Can users add comments to the images in my portfolio? #99620
    Post count: 206

    Hi there,

    Within that bulk edit area, I only see a comments page. What about if I want to tick the box for all images for ‘Trackbacks and pingbacks’?

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #99618
    Post count: 206

    I just checked your own online supreme template and you have the same problem it looks like. See screenshot.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Can users add comments to the images in my portfolio? #99608
    Post count: 206

    Cheers. Thanks a lot.

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #99606
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