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Forum Replies Created
Hi there,
It’s not possible without modifying the theme js file. You can find it in /js/functions.js.php line 436-439:
returnSize: function() { var itemColumns = 1, windowWidth = $j(window).width(); return windowWidth >= 380 && windowWidth < 480 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 480 && windowWidth < 768 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 768 && windowWidth < 1160 ? itemColumns = 3 : windowWidth >= 1160 && windowWidth < 1640 ? itemColumns = 4 : windowWidth >= 1640 && windowWidth < 2100 ? itemColumns = 5 : windowWidth >= 2100 && (itemColumns = 6), itemColumns; },
– Ed
@grokism – Thanks again for the help – greatly appreciated! 🙂
We’d love to be able to, but we simply don’t have the time!
If you have some CSS knowledge, all you need to do is add a background image via css to:
– Ed
It’s not got a date yet, and it might not make it into v1.2, but we’ll try 🙂
You’re welcome, we will 🙂
– Ed
It’s because you have TinyMCE Advanced installed – this currently isn’t compatible as it conflicts with the page builder.
We have it on the list to try and get it supported.
– Ed
So you’d want the mobile menu to show at less than 1200px? That wouldn’t be possible, or more to say, it wouldn’t look good – due to the way it works. The menu slides out, which would push the whole site down.
– Ed
Unfortunately not at the moment – but we have this on the list for an update! 🙂
– Ed
Hi Grazie,
This is without our support scope, as it’s not something that would take 2 minutes to explain. Your best bet would be looking for a tutorial on Google, and I linked you one on the ThemeForest comments.
– Ed
I’m not sure what you mean? Can you show us an example?
– Ed
You don’t need any CSS, you can set this in the Flexform Options > Header Options, just set text instead of a social shortcode in the top bar social config box.
– Ed
This isn’t possible as standard, you’d need to add your own css for this. You can add it on the following selector:
#main-navigation {}
Hope that helps.
– Ed
Can you show us a link? Remove the css include for Mailchimp, that will likely conflict.
– Ed
You can add the following to the custom css box within Flexform Options > General options:
.testimonials-slider { height: 400px!important; }
You’ll need to edit the value to match what you need. To change the speed, edit /js/functions.js line 340:
slideshowSpeed: 6000,
Any changes to the actual files will be lost. Theme Options / Pages / Posts / Content etc will all be kept.
– Ed
#top-bar .menu > li { font-size: 11px; } nav .menu ul li { font-size: 11px; }
You can add that to Flexform Options > General Options > Custom CSS.
Hope that helps.
– Ed
That’s definitely 2.3.8. It seems there version numbers are different in different places…
Have you tried it on a fresh install of WordPress by any chance? Only other thing I can think of is that it might need that to register the new version.
– Ed