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Hmm ok, instead of using the above code, use this:
body, h6, #sidebar .widget-heading h3, #header-search input, .header-items, .related-wrap h4, #comments-list > h4, .item-heading h1, .sf-button, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="email"], .spb_accordion_section h3, #header-login input, #mobile-navigation > div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, .heading-font, .custom-caption p, span.dropcap1, span.dropcap2, span.dropcap3, span.dropcap4, .spb_call_text, .impact-text, .testimonial-text, .header-advert { font-family: ‘TheSerifBasicRegular’, Georgia, serif !important; }
– Ed
Have you changed any of the responsive css? The styling looks seriously messed up, and not how it is as standard.
– Ed
Unfortunately there isn’t currently an option for 5, as this would be likely too thin at responsive sizes. You’d probably be better off making a 2 blocks then 3 below that.
We’ll add it to the list though 🙂
– Ed
Looks like it’s just an issue with that particular page. Create a new page then set that as the home page.
– Ed
No worries, glad you sorted it 🙂
– Ed
It depends on the format of your video, increase/decrease the height until it fits.
– Ed
You can edit the size in /single-portfolio.php line 112-120
if (($sidebar_config == "left-sidebar") || ($sidebar_config == "right-sidebar") || ($sidebar_config == "both-sidebars") && !$full_width_display) { $media_width = 770; $media_height = NULL; $video_height = 433; } else { $media_width = 1170; $media_height = NULL; $video_height = 658; }
There is where the width/height for the video is set. If you change this to match the video format, then it will resize correctly.
– Ed
Apologies, I should have advised of the !important.
Just checked the bottom save button and working fine, it might be because the save helper banner was loading when you tried to press it.
– Ed
It may be because when you change over to the classic editor, that a shortcode gets changed/broken – that would mean the page builder wouldn’t be able to to interpret the shortcode.
– Ed
It may be because when you change over to the classic editor, that a shortcode gets changed/broken – that would mean the page builder wouldn’t be able to to interpret the shortcode.
– Ed
Hi Graffig,
Got a screenshot here for you –
If you copy the /includes/options and /includes/sf-options.php across, then change the path here in functions.php (line 61), that should do it:
require_once (SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-options.php');
– Ed
The images aren’t included in the export unfortunately, but here is the slider export –
– Ed
Thanks for pointing that out, will get it fixed for the next update!
– Ed
Can you enabled WP_Debug in wp-config.php, hopefully that will show up an error on the page and give us something to go on.
– Ed
Sure, just edit header.php line 417-420 to change the anchor to your login link, and also remove the ID from the anchor.
– Ed