Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 205 total)
  • Posted in:
  • in reply to: What technology is the swift ideas forum? #98972
    Post count: 206

    Can your theme be downloaded and used?

    in reply to: My Portfolio navigation link just disappeared #98838
    Post count: 206

    Then what can be done to change the gallery so that all categories can be present?

    Would having a randon picture gallery plugin make all the filters appear on one page?

    in reply to: My Portfolio navigation link just disappeared #98833
    Post count: 206

    Yes it was. More portfolio items have now moved over to page 2. I have only been uploading to one category just now so that explains that. However it doesn’t make sense the way the gallery works. I don’t want users to only see one or two categories on one page, they may just assume that is all is present.

    What I want is all my filter gallery categories to be present on all pages (no disappearing over to page 2 etc) so that when users select which category they would like to see everything else disappears. I feel its more user friendly to display all categories no matter if theres no pictures related to that category on a page. How can this be fixed?

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #98829
    Post count: 206

    Where do I go for facebook developer support? Will this support be free?

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #98798
    Post count: 206


    in reply to: Portfolio Image Too big on large PC display #98797
    Post count: 206

    Cheers. Am I ok to increase the width if I want to?

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #98789
    Post count: 206

    Ok I tried another name and it worked fine. But it says I have 602 fans…Where does it get that number from? And why can’t I use my other facebook page, the one I setup specifically for ‘Likes’?

    in reply to: Subscriber widget problem with facebook #98742
    Post count: 206

    Its a community fan page where people can like my website.

    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98629
    Post count: 206

    Ok. Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98608
    Post count: 206

    You are right. I’ve just changed it to something else now and it worked. But that doesn’t make sense because if you go into the ‘Forum’ page and scroll to the bottom of the screen, you will see that it should take a widget(s) from sidebar 3 and not sidebar 2 – Can you make sense of that?

    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98600
    Post count: 206


    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98588
    Post count: 206

    To be honest I’m not sure. Because those changes still don’t fix my problem. My main problem was that I am unable to add a side bar beside my forum which I don’t get because I should be able to do that. Can you help me with that please?

    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98582
    Post count: 206

    I can apply the css changes only to higher resolutions. Do you want me to try it?

    What do you mean? Sorry but I’m not technically minded when it comes to this stuff.

    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98574
    Post count: 206

    Excuse me but what do you mean no? Surely you can correct what you did?

    See screenshots attached. My forum page has sidebars selected. My widget page has widgets within those sidebars.

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    in reply to: bbPress Forum #98563
    Post count: 206

    Hello there,

    Sorry but could you please change what you did and put it back to how it was as the forum now extends way out to the side of my screen on my mobile phone and no longer seems responsive.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 205 total)