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Try enabling the option to included libraries globally in Revolution Slider > General Settings.
-NathanHi, Ed. Found the problem. Bootstrap.min.js was being loaded twice. I’ll post the fix here in case someone else has the same problem. Regards -Nathan
If you’re using WP Download Manager and are experiencing problems with modals, find and comment out the following line in WPDM Pro’s functions.php file:
While you’re at it, comment out the following lines as well:
wp_enqueue_style('wpdm-bootstrap-responsive',plugins_url().'/download-manager/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css');‘Hood loads these already.
No problem, Ed. I’d appreciate it. I’ll investigate as well when I have a moment. What are you using for the modal pop-ups? If I know where it is I can have a look. It’s probably a js conflict and might be solved by loading the script once.
Yeah, that’s right. The links to all the theme asset backgrounds seem to break. I can see the panel but there’s no preview and they don’t appear on the front end. I tried replacing the files several time, clearing the cache, activating and reactivating, but that didn’t work. To get around this for now, I ended up finding the bg images in the uploads files and reuploading them in the theme option default assets panel. It seems to be happy with that.
Since I found a temporary fix this is no longer a priority for me. Thanks.
This might help:,
NathanIt’s PF DIN and is available through FontDeck. Ed mentioned this somewhere, can’t remember where though.
All are custom post types except for the slider. A quick and dirty way of removing them from the admin is by commenting them out in the functions.php file for the theme. You’ll find them all at the top of the file in the ‘INCLUDES’ section.