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  • in reply to: Fixed Box Size #5535
    Post count: 39

    I give up

    in reply to: Fixed Box Size #5534
    Post count: 39

    I have no idea why it’s cutting our pieces of the code when I post. It’s there when I type it and then it disappears. This is what was missing from the first post: LINK URL/”>

    in reply to: Fixed Box Size #5531
    Post count: 39

    <div style=”width: 170px; height: 240px; margin-bottom: 15px; border: 7px double black; background-color:#b0c4de;”>

    <h3 style=”text-align: center;” onMouseOver=”’#1e73be'” onMouseOut=”’black'”> IMAGE DESCRIPTION</h3>


    For some reason it didn’t include the a href. Let’s try again.

    in reply to: Fixed Box Size #5529
    Post count: 39


    Thanks for your help. I’m not a programmer, but with the help of the web etc., I just used the raw HTML feature of the page builder to punch in code. This allows me to have variable sized boxes on every page but allows me to have fixed boxes and more features anyway. Here is what I did for anyone interested in this same topic. Also, let me know if you foresee problems with this. It’s not elegant, but it works fine now.

    Thanks again

    <div style=”width: 170px; height: 240px; margin-bottom: 15px; border: 7px double black; background-color:#b0c4de;”>

    <img alt="TAG DESCRIPTION“src=”IMAGE FILE“width=”170″ height=”240″ />
    <h3 style=”text-align: center;” onMouseOver=”’#1e73be'” onMouseOut=”’black'”> IMAGE DESCRIPTION</h3>


    in reply to: Fixed Box Size #5082
    Post count: 39

    Thanks for your help. This would essentially allow me to have only one box size period correct, i.e., I would have a box that is the same size irrespective of how many rows etc. I have without being able to change it for various pages?
    Thanks again

    in reply to: Content and Footer Background #3252
    Post count: 39


    We tried the suggestion above, but it didn’t work.  The assumption is that it is being overridden somewhere else at a different level.  We tried going back to the default color etc. and then trying it, but to no avail.  The closest we got was to getting an image within the footer widget space.  If you could replicate a different background in the content area and/or footer and then pass your procedure on, we would be most grateful.  Otherwise, any other suggestions would be great.

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Content and Footer Background #3238
    Post count: 39

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Video(s) in sidebar appear in lightbox window #2783
    Post count: 39

    Hi Ed,

    It is a very weird problem, and my programmer friend is helping me to try and resolve it.  It only happens when a video widget is in the frame of the lightbox viewer.  Nothing else in the sidebar appears in the lightbox, not an advertizement, calendar etc.  This happens on all of our devices and browsers.  I checked flashplayer to see if that was the issue, but nothing came of it.  I know you guys are busy, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    in reply to: Images disappearing or spaces widening with sidebars #2739
    Post count: 39

    Wonderful!  I really appreciate your efforts, Ed.

    Thanks so much

    in reply to: Images disappearing or spaces widening with sidebars #2613
    Post count: 39

    Hi Ed,

    Unlike with the lightbox issue I told you about, which is only happening on my devices (as far as I can tell), the line expansion between gallery photos is happening on computers from multiple states in the US here and with every browser (Mozilla, Chrome, Safari).  It’s a little too distracting and looks too much like a bug for me to use it even though the only time you would see it is if you minimize and then maximize your screen on a PC.  When I see stuff like this on other websites (and thus my own in this case), I personally have less confidence in the company/organization.  For example if my bank had this “bug”, it wouldn’t sit as nice, while knowing they have my money; since in my psyche, it’s an attention (or lack thereof) to detail.  It’s extreme, I know, but I’m sure I’m not the only person on the planet that feels like this.  If there were some way of making the responsive mode function only when someone accesses the website via a mobile, that would be the best solution from my part.  Aesthetically, as well, I prefer the non-responsive feature for minimizing on a PC since you can use the scroll button and you can see more of the screen/site layout.

    Thanks again for your help

    in reply to: Sidebars not DIsplaying Symetrically #2611
    Post count: 39

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Video(s) in sidebar appear in lightbox window #2403
    Post count: 39

    It’s a laptop with XP.  I had a friend, who is a programmer, look at it, and he said that it’s working like it should for him.  It’s weird that it’s doing this with both search engines.

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Sidebars not DIsplaying Symetrically #2401
    Post count: 39

    Both sidebars are the exact same with a video URL  in a Swift framework video widget.

    in reply to: Sidebars not DIsplaying Symetrically #2277
    Post count: 39


    Here are some screen shots in Chrome.  I don’t have the responsive function engaged anymore, but I did so for these screen shots.


    in reply to: Video(s) in sidebar appear in lightbox window #2271
    Post count: 39

    Once again, sorry for the weird code stuff showing up!

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