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  • in reply to: scrolling sticky top bar #240760
    Post count: 179


    <div id="top-bar" class="sticky-top-bar">
    								<div class="container fw-header">
    									<div class="col-sm-6 tb-left"><div class="tb-text">Need help?  Call Erin at 772.223.9700</div>
    					<div class="col-sm-6 tb-right"><div class="tb-text">Or email us at [email protected]</div>

    i want tb-text to scroll… anyone done this, without using the dreaded PHP option? 🙂

    in reply to: rotating announcements in promo bar #240757
    Post count: 179

    drat. i am really going to have to learn PHP, it looks like. btw, off topic, are you guys going to the woocommerce event in austin in a few months?

    in reply to: rotating announcements in promo bar #240754
    Post count: 179

    hmmm… great idea… how about an Envira generated short code… but again could one use css or js to insert this short code somewhere, or are we forced to use PHP?

    thanks. ali

    in reply to: Sidebar Too Large #239578
    Post count: 179

    over and out

    in reply to: Sidebar Too Large #239362
    Post count: 179

    cancel this. i figured it out! thanks.

    in reply to: Sidebar Too Large #239359
    Post count: 179

    I see that in General Options that you can reduce the sidebar to 1/4th
    the problem is that the sidebar starts from the top of the overall page container
    it should be pushed or slide under the header and menu bar (responsively)
    plus there is still white space between the content container and the sidebar
    what should happen is that the main content container and the sidebar should line up correctly without
    these gaps that now appear between them

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239336
    Post count: 179

    cant seem to get mark as resolved to work!

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239335
    Post count: 179

    I was able to resolve this problem with a free new widget that has just been released.
    This widget not only solves the unwanted category count problem, but adds more cool functionality than is available in the plain vanilla Woocommerce category widget (e.g., ability to add product images and control style layout of category hierarchies.)

    It did not create any conflicts with any of my existing widgets, although the developer warned about that possibility.

    The name of the widget is

    XO10 – WooCommerce Categories widget (version 2.x)

    I have currently placed this widget in my footer 1 area of the HP (I still have to create nice icons for all my category types, which will complete this improvement of the site), but will move the widdget to a left sidebar after you guys are nice enough to help me solve certain problems I am encountering with respect to Swift Builder/Atelier sidebar functionality.

    I will create a separate ticket to document these problems. Thanks for your help on this ticket though!!!

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239299
    Post count: 179

    so i install a free personal server of mamp (apache-mysql-php) on my desktop
    download a free copy of wp from
    donwnload another copy of woocommerce (presumably for free) from woothemes
    download another (free) copy of atelier from theme forest
    download my css from my production env
    learn how to set up child themes
    modify files, as needed, for the site to work as i want it to (including the cat count change, and others)
    then ftp these files over to my production server
    it sounds like a lot of work to set up
    but i like the word free that appears a lot
    it also sounds like initially i could cut and paste wwhat i need without
    going beyond a rudimentary understanding of php

    it almost sounds too good to be true. + i can just see myself hosing the production site b accident! 🙁


    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239297
    Post count: 179

    yes some dev experience.

    i think the test env offered by my host provider is like $60/month extra, or $720 annually which is pretty steep for just making sure a small change like this is implemented without a hitch.

    i gather you mean install a copy of wp on my desktop for testing? that is pretty intense!

    will look into the documentation you suggest re child themes, but i am really reluctant to change live code. i actually thought a test env would be provided as well as migration / staging tools as part of the service by my hosting provider. but no. that is not the case.

    i think it would be crazy to make php changes (especially when you do not knwo php) without a testing env and whish you guys provided atelier child themes + instructions for those of us who are not really well versed in this backend wp stuf in order to simplify this DIY operational stuff, which in my opinion should not really be the responsibility of a front end guy like me.

    anyway thanks!

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239290
    Post count: 179

    okay. i don’t actually have a child theme implemented *G*
    do you think it is possible for me to read up on how to do this and then do what is suggested without breaking my site?

    i know css and javascript and how to use ftp etc but am not familiar with php or the whole child theme procedure.

    so in your opinion, is it at all reasonable that someone like me who is not an WordPress backend guru to do this without courting disaster (I cannot afford at this time to pay for consultants to do it for me!)?

    or is it best to just live with this category product count problem?

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239279
    Post count: 179

    I am still trying to find a way to make the product counts that appear after each Product Category
    in a Woocommerce dropdown menu

    It turns out that .count is Woocommerce class that is used with the HTML element mark to dynamically generate
    product counts by category using some sophisticated technique.

    I am looking for a CSS solution to prevent this count from appearing on my home page (you can see the drop down at the bottom of the HP), and attempted the following — none of which work:

    mark.count {visibility:hidden !important;}

    select.dropdown_product_cat .count{visibility:hidden !important;}

    mark {
    display: none;

    ul.products .count { display:none !important; }

    PHP Solutions

    This WordPress forum page suggests the following “approved” approaches

     * Removes products count after categories name
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_subcategory_count_html', 'woo_remove_category_products_count' );
    function woo_remove_category_products_count() {


    /* action hook solution */
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_result_count', 20 ); 

    However, since I still have not learnt PHP, these suggested approaches are useless to me.

    Any suggestions as to how I can tweek the CSS declarations you see above and make one of them work properly? I know this is a woocommerce thing, and I am contacting them today also, but I was wondering if any of you guys had any quick ideas in this regard?

    Many thanks, as I am really stuck here.

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239206
    Post count: 179

    Thank you for your suggestion; but I have not had luck with them in the past, and it was an exercise in frustration waiting literally weeks for an answer to some simple question. I am not keen on repeating the experience. Cheers.

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239091
    Post count: 179

    went to the woothemes web site, tried to open a ticket, and this is the message i received. i guess everybody cashed out after the WP acquisition.

    Ticket volume is currently exceeding our resources and it is taking us longer than we’d like to respond to your question. While you wait, you might consider going though our Troubleshooting Guide which happens to be the same steps our Ninjas will follow to begin troubleshooting your issue. Thank you for your patience.

    in reply to: hide quantity in category dropdown #239088
    Post count: 179

    will do. thanks for looking into this! last time i contacted woommerce it took ages before i heard back, but i will try again, as i have no choice in the matter.

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