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  • in reply to: Portfolio filter #5164
    Post count: 5
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    in reply to: Portfolio filter #4047
    Post count: 5

    Hi, I tried to rename all my portfolio categories to English name, so now there’s no any special characters used. For some reason it filtering wont work. What could be the problem?

    in reply to: Portfolio filter #3712
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    in reply to: Header Advert Space #2761
    Post count: 5


    Is it possible to customize theme in a way that current Header Advert space (size 468 x 60 px) would be replaced with a bigger sized advert (size 728×90 px ). So there would be logo on the left column and the bigger, sitewide advert as you call it, next to it on the right column, and not on top of the logo.

    I’m using widgets for adverts and have tried to figure out a way to put bigger advert next to my logo but your theme always automaticly resizes all of my advert images to size 468 x 60 px.

    So where could this size be modified or is there a way to use bigger sized images next to the logo?


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