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  • in reply to: Undefined Index Error #284449
    Post count: 20

    Another issue:

    Redux is stuck in Developer Mode, please let me know how to turn it off.

    in reply to: Undefined Index Error #284361
    Post count: 20

    Hi Mohammad,
    Let me get this straight, you’re telling me, as support, to hide an error that your theme is creating?

    I know what WPDebug does and how enable/disable it.

    That not the kind of support I was asking for, please provide a solution for the theme error.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Quickview not working #248125
    Post count: 20

    Ok, so shouldn’t this be placed in the child theme under: atelier-child/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php ???

    in reply to: Quickview not working #246594
    Post count: 20

    Hmm, ok, well I’m at a loss here, are you saying that your team won’t be finding a fix for this for me asap?

    This site is soon going into production and Min/Max Quantities is an integral function of the site.

    I was under the presumption when purchasing the theme that it is WooCommerce compatible, and while I realize that it is impossible to make a theme compatible with all plugins (albeit even native WooThemes plugin), I really don’t understand why the developers of Atelier (or why any theme would for that matter) would interfere with purchase quantities at all..

    Very frustrated.

    in reply to: Quickview not working #245336
    Post count: 20

    Yes definitely tested with Ajax add-to-cart disabled, no help. Min/max plugin is attached.

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    in reply to: Quickview not working #243943
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    Hi David, not sure what you mean by “add that plugin” ?

    Here’s the plugin:

    I’m not using the plugins global settings, only the individual product settings. Here is a link to a simple product that is using a minimum quantity purchase rule of 3:

    I have attached a screenshot of the error (says I have 0 in my cart) when I attempt buying 3 of the item. Like I said before, if you up the quantity to 4 it allows the item in the cart. (I can, in the cart, lower the item back to 3 and it validates fine, so occurs only on the product pages).

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    in reply to: Quickview not working #239196
    Post count: 20

    I will add that, if for instance, I add 4 of the product with a minimum quantity of 3 it will validate fine, then in the shopping cart, I can lower the amount to 3 and it will still validate fine. It is only on the product page when I enter a quantity of 3, that it will not validate. Hope that helps track the issue down..

    in reply to: Quickview not working #238942
    Post count: 20

    Hi David,

    Took a bit of a break for the holidays there, just getting back to this project.

    I had mentioned it earlier regarding the plugin “WooThemes Min/Max Quantities”

    Variable Products are fine, however with Simple Products, on a minimum quantity order it is not allowing purchase at the minimum quantity, you must add 1 more of the product for it to validate. I’ve looked through your theme files and have found that you are overriding single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php and perhaps that is the issue. I’ve also tried this without any additional plugins / caching and Ajax off on all accounts, still not working. I’ve contacted Woo support and they have no other complaints of such an error, and thus, they have suggested that this is a theme issue.

    in reply to: Quickview not working #236676
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    in reply to: Quickview not working #235463
    Post count: 20

    Hi David,

    Fact is that it is not working at all, no amount of troubleshooting has helped, I’ve already tried this without any additional plugins / caching and Ajax off on all accounts, still not working..

    I’ve now switched it out with Yith WooCommerce Quick View (which I will continue with unless this is sorted, which I would prefer as there are some features I prefer Over the Yith version), that is what you are seeing on the site now.

    I would like you to address the fact that you are providing an outdated version of Quick View with your “current” updates. And also please address the fact that it is directly conflicting with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility, no question.

    To let you know I am running this site on Cloudways with Digital Ocean and a stack of: MariaDB 10, Apache, Nginx, Varnish, Memcached, APC and Redis.

    Seems I have found another bug as well. WooThemes Min/Max Quantities. Variable Products are fine, however with Simple Products, on a minimum quantity order it is not allowing purchase at the minimum quantity, you must add 1 more of the product for it to validate. I’ve looked through your theme files and have found that you are overriding single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php and perhaps that is the issue. I’ve also tried this without any additional plugins / caching and Ajax off on all accounts, still not working. I’ve contacted Woo support and they have no other complaints of such an error, and thus, they have suggested that this is a theme issue.

    Thank you for your time,

    in reply to: Quickview not working #235092
    Post count: 20

    Hi there, I noticed that the recent update of Atelier did not include the update for Quickview (v3.2.3) in fact you are still providing 3.1.0..

    I am still having issues with what I believe are add to cart cache issues, now fixed in the latest update.

    I am also seeing a conflict with Quickview and WooCommerce Catalog Visibility (does not work at all if enabled).

    I have tried disabling Ajax to cart button (both in theme and in WC), does not help at all.

    Please provide the latest version so I can see if it will quell the issues.

    in reply to: Quickview not working #233034
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    in reply to: SPB Shop Products Columns setting not working #226193
    Post count: 20

    I recognize that the Woo thumbnail settings are used, which is fine for the shop pages. However this page is to be different than the standard shop pages. I was hoping that changing the column count would allow for use of the original image. Seems I may have to build the page custom for now.

    Can I make a suggestion that when the update is made to allow categories that a setting is also made to be able to switch between thumbnail sizes and original image size?

    in reply to: SPB Shop Products Columns setting not working #226103
    Post count: 20

    Ok, understood, is there a chance the dev can lead me in the right direction as far as what file(s) and loops to work with?

    in reply to: SPB Shop Products Columns setting not working #226097
    Post count: 20

    Yeah, been there done that, just flipping col-sm-3 to 50% doesn’t do it as it loads the same sized thumbnail..

    I was hoping for a PHP mod.

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