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  • in reply to: Remove author meta-data only from posts in a page #2596
    Post count: 7

    Worked a treat – thank you.

    in reply to: .item-cats styling not effective in post info section #2080
    Post count: 7

    OK, fair enough. Will check it out after updating. Thank you.

    in reply to: .item-cats styling not effective in post info section #2077
    Post count: 7

    Hmm, just gone back for a closer look at your demo and had a look at the code – image attached.

    The category label in the demo has inline styling applied to create the background-color, so can you point out where this is generated in the PHP, if, indeed, it is?

    in reply to: .item-cats styling not effective in post info section #2071
    Post count: 7

    Perhaps third time lucky? They aren’t tags – I’m not using any tags whatsoever in the site – they’re categories as you’d see if you spent anytime looking around the mock up site at the link. Again, the clue is in the topic title.

    Given that they’re categories the styling you’ve suggested is no good as the background colours are generated from the colours assigned when creating the categories. This means that the colours for these links is dynamic, so it’s coming from the PHP somewhere. If you could tell me where to look I’d appreciate it.

    I do appreciate your responses, but it’s pretty frustrating that all the relevant information is in the OP and you’ve yet to understand or address any of it!!

    in reply to: .item-cats styling not effective in post info section #2042
    Post count: 7


    Thanks for the response, but you haven’t really addressed my question. As per the topic title, my question wasn’t about tags, but the item categories labels. I’m not sure what you’re seeing, but they aren’t styled correctly – they’re not styled at all, as I said in my first post.

    I went back and checked your demo site and the styling is in place there. Please see attached images for comparison between the Supreme demo at Themeforest and my mock up build for comparison.

    If you could give me a fix or tell me which PHP file to look in I’d appreciate it.

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