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  • payokun
    Post count: 7

    Yes please thank you, I just want the site to look as the one you guys have in the demo website so I can start modifying it to my taste, I dont intend to change much, I’m a simple guy, I just want to use it as a shop. Please go ahead.

    Thank you for the followup.


    Post count: 7

    that’s because I tried to install the full demo by using the segmented files compressed to *.gz but I still got the same server error message so I just gave up. 🙁

    Is there any way I can do this over FTP like when I copied the theme files?

    Post count: 7

    Hello, thank you so much for the followup.

    I did the “import attachments” option and after several attempts the moe page is still missing some images like these products listed in the shop:

    Sun Buddies – Type 01 Sunglasses
    Our Legacy – Suede Shirt Shirts


    When clicking in shop> shop – with left sidebar it shows a blank page and it’s supposed to show products and some classifications on the left (Brand, Colour, Size, etc).

    All images are supposedly uploaded because after the import all images show up as “already exist”

    However, still some “Failed to Import” messages appear but not about images.

    Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled
    Failed to import shop_order_status completed
    Failed to import shop_order_status failed
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status pending
    Failed to import shop_order_status processing
    Failed to import shop_order_status refunded
    Failed to import slide-page ff about office

    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled

    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold

    Please help– (āēĨâ€ļāēĨ) (T_T) (if you want you can go ahead and reset everything and then install the template from scratch so you can see for yourself and maybe tell me what am I doing differently, I just dont know what else to do)

    thank you so much for your help so far.

    Post count: 7

    Thank you for the reply 🙂

    I did all the steps required from the reference post but I still have issues.

    First I spoke with godaddy and they helped me to kill all php processes because they explained that after changing the settings recommended from your documentation that needed to be done so I did.

    I reseted the whole thing so I had a blank slate.

    I activated all required plugins except Akismet, Hello Dolly, and Clef.
    Installed the demo revolution slider without issues
    Set permalinks to post
    Change the image size as per documentation
    I zipped the neighborhood_demo-content-alt.xml to .gz extension and attempted to import it.

    This is the error I got now

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


    I noticed that despite the error the demo was installed but not entirely, it is incomplete, the first thing I noticed was a couple of shop items without their respective picture. Also the main menu is missing. It just looks incomplete.

    Any ideas? please help :S

    Thank you and best regards!

    Post count: 7

    Excellent, thanks for the clarification, I figured as much but just wanted to confirm. Thank you Mohammad.!! 🙂

    Post count: 7


    there you go. Thank you.
    In case you need to check the cpanel:

    the memory parameters can be viewed in:
    Software/Selecciona la version PHP/Switch to PHP Options

    in reply to: Creating a Child Theme for Neighborhood v2.16 #163844
    Post count: 7

    Ok I did it without any issues. Thank you so much for your help Kyle.! 😉

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)