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Then there is none I’m afraid! 🙂
Hi, care to post your website URL so we can take a look at what’s needed?
That can only be a problem of your mobile device, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do to possibly change that!
Hi, I’m not clear about where exactly you’d like to remove the images from. Can you post up a link ?
Fantastic, you’re welcome!
it sounds like maybe the aq_resizer.php file did not transfer successfully; could you check if the file is located at that path?
Let us know please!
August 11, 2014 at 11:16 am in reply to: Question about the "suggestions" section in articles' blog #99858Hi DJ,
did you set up categories for your posts so they can relate to each other by being in the same category?
I don’t see any problem in your footer’s height and I don’t think you should reduce it, but here you go:
#footer { padding-top: 0px; }
#footer-widgets .widget { padding-bottom: 0px; }
Let me know if that worked!
Hi, so you want the styling of your “h2, .blog-item .quote-excerpt” to look like the h4?
If you could post up your website URL and let us know exactly which element you’re referring to we can check it out for you!Also let us know the exact css you’re using!
Another solution would be to go into the php file and changing the markup from h2 to h4.
Thank you
Do you mean in height? If you could post up your website URL we can check your setup to see in which way we can improve it!
Thank you
in shortcodes.php find the code
/* SERVICES PROGRESS BAR SHORTCODE ================================================= */ function sf_progress_bar($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "percentage" => '', "name" => '', "type" => '', "value" => '', "colour" => '' ), $atts)); if ($type == "") { $type = "standard"; } $service_bar_output = ''; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress-bar-wrap progress-'.$type.'">'. "\n"; if ($colour != "") { $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar-text"><span class="bar-name">'.$name.':</span> <span class="progress-value" style="color:'.$colour.'!important;">'.$value.'</span></div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress '.$type.'">'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar" data-value="'.$percentage.'" style="background-color:'.$colour.'!important;">'. "\n"; } else { $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar-text"><span class="bar-name">'.$name.':</span> <span class="progress-value">'.$value.'</span></div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress '.$type.'">'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar" data-value="'.$percentage.'">'. "\n"; } $service_bar_output .= '</div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '</div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '</div>'. "\n"; global $sf_has_progress_bar; $sf_has_progress_bar = true; return $service_bar_output; } add_shortcode('progress_bar', 'sf_progress_bar');
and replace it with
/* SERVICES PROGRESS BAR SHORTCODE ================================================= */ function sf_progress_bar($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "percentage" => '', "name" => '', "type" => '', "value" => '', "colour" => '', "link" => '' ), $atts)); if ($type == "") { $type = "standard"; } $service_bar_output = ''; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress-bar-wrap progress-'.$type.'">'. "\n"; if ($colour != "") { $service_bar_output .= '<a href="'.$link.'"><div class="bar-text"><span class="bar-name">'.$name.':</span> <span class="progress-value" style="color:'.$colour.'!important;">'.$value.'</span></div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress '.$type.'">'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar" data-value="'.$percentage.'" style="background-color:'.$colour.'!important;">'. "\n"; } else { $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar-text"><span class="bar-name">'.$name.':</span> <span class="progress-value">'.$value.'</span></div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="progress '.$type.'">'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '<div class="bar" data-value="'.$percentage.'">'. "\n"; } $service_bar_output .= '</div>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '</div></a>'. "\n"; $service_bar_output .= '</div>'. "\n"; global $sf_has_progress_bar; $sf_has_progress_bar = true; return $service_bar_output; } add_shortcode('progress_bar', 'sf_progress_bar');
This should leave you with the new attribute link=”…” to use within the shortcode!
Let me know if it worked. If it didn’t work, please post up your website URL with the faulty code on it!
Could you post up your website URL so we can take a look?
Thank you!
Hi, try adding an !important to each of the css to see if that catches on to mobile?
Let me know!
Hi Michael,
you can remove it from that page with this custom css
.page-id-12811 #page-wrap { display: none!important; }
Hi, have you set the Noticias page to be your blog page in wp-admin > Settings > Reading?
Thank you!
Posted in: Reply To: Blog page not working