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  • in reply to: Disable share button on product page #228778
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    in reply to: Multi-Masonary broken on iPad #228427
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    in reply to: How to remove viewport maximum scale limit? #228426
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    in reply to: Multi-Masonary broken on iPad #226852
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    Hi David,

    That’s the page alright.

    It’s still broken in the latest release, and on your own website.

    Any idea when it might be fixed?


    in reply to: images at wrong size #222047
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    in reply to: images at wrong size #221825
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    in reply to: images at wrong size #221367
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    in reply to: images at wrong size #221364
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    I should also mention, that there are 1.5 gigs worth of images. So if you’re going to try regenerating the thumbnails again, you might want to go put the kettle on. 🙂

    I have tested, and I know the resized images are there, and exist. The issue is that they are simply not being requested in the HTML.

    in reply to: Changing order and removing items from product summary. #213784
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    in reply to: Remove featured image from the top of blog posts? #213627
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    in reply to: Remove featured image from the top of blog posts? #213625
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    in reply to: Remove featured image from the top of blog posts? #213611
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    So Mohammad, I tried your option, and I think perhaps you meant ‘remove_action’, rather than add.

    Add actually added a slightly different (full page width), image on top of the other featured image, resulting in three (screen shot attached). The wide featured image, the inline featured image, and then the image we’d included in the actual blog post ourselves (as our old theme didn’t have featured images).

    Kyle, I tried your remove_action too, and it had no effect at all I’m afraid.

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    in reply to: Changing order and removing items from product summary. #213578
    Post count: 28

    Hi Dean,

    I understand that, and had used that to get rid of the breadcrumbs and next/previous buttons above the title.

    However, everything rendered beneath the price, is all done with the one call to ‘do_action’.

    It’s all of those I’d like to re-oder or remove, and that doesn’t seem possible under the standard practice ‘remove_action’ command?

    in reply to: Changing order and removing items from product summary. #213348
    Post count: 28

    Hi Kyle,

    I had tried that, but call the woocommerce file about 1/2 way down, which controls half of the items posted.

    	* woocommerce_single_product_summary hook
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_title - 5
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_price - 10
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_excerpt - 20
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart - 30
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_meta - 40
    	* @hooked woocommerce_template_single_sharing - 50
    	do_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary' );

    Deleting that one line of code removes everything south of the price from the product page.
    (stock status, description, meta, sharing, etc… )

    The way the code is commented, it implies that all of these can be changed, removed, or re-ordered with standard remove_action calls in function.php …
    However, having tried this, it doesn’t seem to work.

    I can add new actions to the woocommerce_single_product_summary, which will appear anywhere I like depending on the priority I give it, but I can’t remove the items as listed in the SwiftIdeas comments in that php file.

    in reply to: Remove featured image from the top of blog posts? #213341
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    I tried this and it didn’t work.

    For what it’s worth, hiding it with the CSS did work, but as I mentioned, I’d rather pull it from the HTML altogether, and avoid the large download.

    You can see both images are still at the top here:

    Despite adding the line you mentioned to functions.php in the child theme. (I also tried adding typo just to make sure the functions.php file was being read, was not cached, and it broke as expected. )

    Any thoughts?

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