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  • in reply to: Adding drop-down menu to an Account (on header) #252108
    Post count: 4


    I was wondering – can I have the Account Menu translated via the child-theme’s function.php

    something like:

    $aux_links_output .= '<li><a href="' . $my_account_link . '">' . __( "My Account", "swiftframework" ) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
     if ( if get locale() ) == 'bg_BG' ) { 
    $aux_links_output .= '<li><a href="/bg/moiya-account">' . __( "MY CUSTOM LINK TEXT", "swiftframework" ) . '</a></li>' . "\n";

    Or is there another way to have it translate?

    I am using Polylang & Loco Translate, but I can’t find these string to translate. I mean I did in Loco translate bu putting as a translating not just the word but with <a href="url to menu">my translated menu name</a>, but this thing broke a few things in the theme.

    I would really appreciate it if you can help me with this.


    in reply to: Can't import demo content #244254
    Post count: 4

    Although it got stuck again on 96 %, all demo was uploaded after a couple of attempts.
    All is OK for now 🙂

    in reply to: Can't import demo content #244243
    Post count: 4

    I am having the same issue here
    My Demo Content Upload is being stuck.

    My memory_limit = 1024M

    I have also tried with deactivating all plugins and the upload process just got stuck a little later.

    I have made several fresh installations with new attempts, but I got most to 96%.
    Could you please advise?

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