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  • in reply to: Filterable Portfolio #83656
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39


    Thanks for your answer! Wouldn’t it be more logical to display the portfolio categories you select in the portfolio element?

    Anyway, I was using 2.56. and upgraded to 2.61. just now. But I’m not sure what the changes are? It seems that it still has the same filtering.


    in reply to: Filterable Portfolio #83424
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Hi Ed/SwiftIdeas,

    I have a similar problem:

    Example: The portfolio categories are photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver, webdesign, printdesign, productdesign etc. I have created two pages to display my portfolio and to show what I do in two alternative ways. The first is to be able to sort on programs I use, like photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver etc. The second page is to be able to sort on skills, like webdesign, printdesign, etc.

    The portfolio items I’ve included uses one or more portfolio categories, so noone is empty. I don’t use parent category.

    The first page (programs): when I add the portfolio element in Page Builder and select the different program categories – not the skills – printdesign and webdesign still appears as a sort option for this portfolio element. Filter is set to yes.

    The second page (skills): I add webdesign and printdesign, but photoshop, illustrator etc. sort options are displayed. The portfolio element has filter:yes and only the relevant portfolio categories selected.

    Is this how it’s supposed to work? Shouldn’t the selection box in the portfolio element settings control what categories I want to include? Why does the filter include all categories the listed portfolio items uses?


    Roger Henriksen

    in reply to: Translate Product #83384
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Hi again,

    I’ve been talking to WPML and they suggested to increase the memory limit after seeing the error log. I then increased the memory to 128M (later to 256M) and deactivated all plugins but WPML Multilanguage and WPML String Translation. And it worked.

    Now I have it working and WPML works fine with all my plugins. I have talked to my hosting and they’ve set the limit to 256M for this server.

    Just thought you you would like to know in case someone else has the same problem!

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Translate Product #82992
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    I still have problems translating this iste. I upload both .mo and .po files.

    I use your Neighborhood theme on another site and here it’s possible to use “Translate by WPML”? What’s the reason for this? As I can see Dante also uses gettext calls.


    in reply to: Translate Product #81434
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    I have .mo- and .po-files in wp-content/themes/dante/language and in wp-content/languages.

    Let’s say I want to translate the seach string: “Seach for something…”. This string is found in the theme language folder, but when I translate with Poedit, save and upload the file again it still says “Seach for something… even if the translated text is saved in the file.

    To me the file seems translated, but I can’t make it work.

    in reply to: Translate Product #81412
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Well, the problem is that I can’t translate any content from the theme or woocommerce plugin. The changes are not displayed. They were once, but now all changes are undone.

    Now I have removed this problem by deleting code from the Woocommerce template file and made a copy to the child theme. I simply don’t use the default product content and build it myself in the content builder. I’m not using the shop only this post type as the product cataloge. Else, I could have done it this way.

    But for the next time I still wonder what went wrong:

    I have set the default language to Norwegian, the nb_NO is also set in wp-config.php. The other language is English, which is hidden – only used to translate from.

    Next I installed WPML Mulitisite and String translation. I use .mo files in the Theme and plugins localization. I some times find it possible to use Translate by WPML – which has been working much better for me in other cases. Is this not available here?

    Well, I now use .mo and have textdomain set to “swiftframework”

    When I add a string translation WordPress translations is not displayed.

    I also tried to use the Poedit and translate “Search for something…”. I found the text in the language folder, but when I change the text to Norwegian, it’s not translated on the site.

    In general I can’t make the translations appear on the site. I’m not sure what I do wrong, but I guess it has to do with the configuration of WPML or .mo files.

    in reply to: Translate Product #80405
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Can you explain step by step where I find this?

    Wordpress uses Norwegian files, and the main WPML language should be Norwegian. I’ve hidden English because the theme strings are in English.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t understand this.


    in reply to: Page on page #79940
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Ok, thanks. I try to avoid to many plugins. Is this a feature that you are planing to implement in the future?

    in reply to: Translate Product #79790
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39
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    in reply to: Translate Product #79746
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39
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    in reply to: Woocommerce shortcode icon is missing #74055
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Yes, but that isn’t the question. I was wondering about the Woocommerce icon. Is this gone from this version? I’ve read about it in some forums this weekend. The swift shortcode is working fine!


    in reply to: Woocommerce shortcode icon is missing #74048
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39
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    in reply to: Woocommerce shortcode icon is missing #74044
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39
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    in reply to: Woocommerce shortcode icon is missing #74018
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39


    Thanks for your answer. I have not installed any plugins for this. The screenshots with extra icons is another site attached to show the Woocommerce icon. I’m not sure if this is causes the problem.


    in reply to: swift page builder disappeared!! Neighborhood #68160
    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Version 1.7 works! Thanks for great support!

    Best regards,

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