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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #36340
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    He’s not back yet!

    Post count: 77

    As a summary for Ed:

    In a page > Portfolio gallery > Portfolio filter ( sf_portfolio_filter() )
    returns all data from items, not EXCLUDE categories not selected!!

    Can you help me about to exclude categories not selected in portfolio filter??

    Thanks again in advance!!

    I’m not sure at all If this help you:
    In swift-framework/page-builder/builder/shortcodes/porfolio.php (line 20)
    the array ‘extract(shortcode_atts’ says:
    “exclude_categories” => ”,
    I tested with yes & no but doesn’t works.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 77

    Hi Ed,

    Welcome again!!

    I almost go crazy!

    First of all, I did not receive notification of your forum post.
    I dared to upgrade to WP 3.8, good news, Dante theme works well!

    When I saw the page that you created, I undestood you were looking at my web …
    I went to the forum, and yes, everything ok.

    My madness came when he did not remember that I had made a change in the portfolio file and filter categories are not showing! Baaad!

    I restored backup and did not work… at the end I discovered that the portfolio file was wrong, and now it works. Gooood!

    But the problem remains …
    I’m sorry but you could not see that the filter is self-generated without excluding portfolio categories.

    Please, you can look at the page now to check it again?

    // Sorry, when I did the restoration of the backup you created the page was deleted.

    Thanks a lot for your support

    Post count: 77

    To clarify ….

    The problem is not in the filter results (frontend) it works well
    The problem is in the filter itself (frontend) which is self-filled with all categories, without exception
    (all categories that are in projects that filters, selected or not)
    Attach a screenshot of portfolio page, filtered with “construcion” category only.

    I need the filter (frontend) show only the selected categories.
    (That’s what I try to clarify from the first message)

    Please, can you help me about this?

    Thanks again for your patience

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Ok, let me explain how the filter works. All the categories are output on the page, and then there is a jQuery function that runs and checks all the portfolio items that are shown. These are checked for each filter category. If an item is shown for the category, then it is set to show on the page, if not then it is not shown.

    If you click through each filter, you will see that an item is always shown, and this is becuase your “Identidad WI” project has been assigned to so many categories? If you move that item to the trash temporarily, you will see that the number of filters goes way down.

    Hope that helps!

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Hi Ed,

    thanks for your quick response!

    Yes I know, the filter returns categories item, this is my handicap!!!
    (Ok, now I selected the categories for Water Idea project (only the necessary))

    But as you can tell me in previuos, as we want:



    If I want two kind of categories (skills & sector) for the same portfolio items
    with portfolio filter is impossible to show separate!

    Please, can you tell me how to resolve this (as explain in first post of this treat):
    I tried to define two list whith main category called ‘Skills’ (his parents: Branding, Packaging, Logo, Campaing,…) and another called ‘Sector’ (his parents: Food, Movility, Shops, Goverment,…)
    but when show a gallery portfolio they appears mixed.

    Please, can you tell me how can filter in separate two categories?
    (or maybe another way to do it)

    Is it possible hide the category which is not in use under the title of the portfolio item?
    Or maybe hidde all categories under the portfolio item…

    Maybe it has another way to do it…
    (perhaps if we filtering client’s categories as I commented before, or other spectacular way, or simple bit of code for jQuery filter, or… )

    Please help me! I am very discouraged with this issue

    Thanks again for your compression.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    As far as I understand, there is absolutely no issue with the filter, but rather you’re looking for functionality that isn’t possible.

    The idea of two separate portfolios is only possible with different items under different parent categories. If you have items across multiple parent categories then they will show in both sections.

    Ultimately, only the filter directly above a set of portfolio items can filter those items, not all portfolio assets!

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Hi Ed,

    Ooooh sorry, At no time I meant there was a problem with the filter… excuse me
    Only that I selected categorie’s portfolio in filter and it shows another categories with diferent parents.

    As you suggest me, if I understand you:
    I try to filter by parents only, but returns the same way:
    I select skills (parent) and filter shows (frontend) her childs
    and childs from the other parent. I told you, occurs the same when I select only childs
    (Filter (frontend) always returns from categories from portfolio items)

    Please, again ( sorry :-S ) ,,,
    Can you give an idea how to arrive a solution with filter portfolio (frontend)
    with 2 areas -parents- (skills & sector) from the same portfolio items ?

    (it’s valid also if they are in separate pages)

    many many thanks again in advance, you have great compression.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    As I said before, unfortunately it’s not possible to filter the same portfolio items with 2 parent areas. You can have as many separate sets of items with one filter for each, as I’ve edited here –

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Well, yes.
    I know.

    I could make you one question more?

    It would be possible define to jQuery filter,
    to take the selection of categories that we defined in the filter ($ filter_output)
    rather than take from protfolio items??

    Thanks again

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Unfortunately not. That would be much more advanced than 99% of users actually want or need, so would more likely be a custom solution.

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Bufff…. sorry a lot for my issue

    As far as I know, Dante theme is using the Isotope filter,
    by David DeSandro / Metafizzy

    I do not have enough knowledge,
    but I would appreciate if you could help me how to add this option:

    It’s my last hope. Sorry again…
    And thanks for your big patience.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I like the idea of that, it’s just being able to set it up in the backend that’s the problem. It’s not something that would be possible without a lot of custom coding, and would likely be overkill for most users.

    It may be easier to get a premium portfolio plugin for something like that if you really need that functionality.

    – Ed

    Roger Henriksen
    Post count: 39

    Hi Ed/SwiftIdeas,

    I have a similar problem:

    Example: The portfolio categories are photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver, webdesign, printdesign, productdesign etc. I have created two pages to display my portfolio and to show what I do in two alternative ways. The first is to be able to sort on programs I use, like photoshop, illustrator, indesign, dreamweaver etc. The second page is to be able to sort on skills, like webdesign, printdesign, etc.

    The portfolio items I’ve included uses one or more portfolio categories, so noone is empty. I don’t use parent category.

    The first page (programs): when I add the portfolio element in Page Builder and select the different program categories – not the skills – printdesign and webdesign still appears as a sort option for this portfolio element. Filter is set to yes.

    The second page (skills): I add webdesign and printdesign, but photoshop, illustrator etc. sort options are displayed. The portfolio element has filter:yes and only the relevant portfolio categories selected.

    Is this how it’s supposed to work? Shouldn’t the selection box in the portfolio element settings control what categories I want to include? Why does the filter include all categories the listed portfolio items uses?


    Roger Henriksen

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