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Glad it fixed 🙂
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for your patience.
laranz.Hi Basty3k,
Can you please show the URL of the site? for those two problem I should need to look what it looks, so only I can give you the fix.
Also what is this that is display next to the price? “Umsatzsteuerbeferit nach $19 UstG”
If you want to be secret, Check Set as private reply box, it will do the work.
Let me know, what you got.
Oh sorry I didn’t notice that, that is from the revolution slider. you need to edit this files
\neighborhood\wp-content\plugins\revslider\inc_php\revslider_output.class.php line #1075: \neighborhood\wp-content\plugins\revslider\rs-plugin\css\captions-original.css: line #1 \neighborhood\wp-content\plugins\revslider\rs-plugin\css\captions.css: line #1 \neighborhood\wp-content\plugins\revslider\views\templates\slide.php line #8
Let me know, that fixes the Google font issues by revolution slider, other issues I already forward this to the developer, he will reply you as soon as possible..
1 & 2, you need to set the Base shop page in Woocommerce -> Settings -> Pages.
3 & 4. You need to add widget to the widgets assign to the shop page in Theme Options -> Woocommerce settings.Let me know, what you got.
This has been already reported to the developer by another staff, Dev will reply you as soon as possible.
laranz.September 18, 2013 at 9:35 pm in reply to: Does anyone got German Translation for Neighborhood Theme? #22759Hi Dave,
Make sure you are having the latest version, I think we fixed this in the latest version. I will forward this to the developer to confirm with this/for a solution.
laranz.September 18, 2013 at 9:31 pm in reply to: How to not set feature imaged in blog post, but keep for blog view. #22757Hi,
I am extremely sorry for understanding the situation wrong..
Try this one.
.single-post .media-wrap{ display: none; }
It is not working, just append !important like before.
Let me know, if you have any problems with this..
You gave the h3 tag an ID payment, that is confused with some other element we already created with the theme. Give some other ID, it will be fine 🙂
Let me know, what you got.
For google fonts go to, wp-content\themes\neighborhood\includes\swift-framework\options\fields\google_webfonts\jquery.fontselect.js
line #1057 you look something like this
cssUrl: '',
change that to
cssUrl: '//',
You can follow this technique in logo upload too, but unfortunately there is no option to type its URL. So I forward this to the developer to show some insights.
Thanks for your patience.
laranz.September 18, 2013 at 8:52 pm in reply to: direct go to shopping bag after add to shopping bag #22752Hi,
1. Glad you found the way. 🙂
2. It needs code edit, follow me.Go to wp-content\themes\neighborhood\includes\swift-framework\sf-content-display\sf-header.php in #639 you found something like this
$cart_output .= '<li class="parent shopping-bag-item"><a class="cart-contents" href="'.$woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url().'" title="'.__("View your shopping cart", "swiftframework").'"><i class="sf-cart"></i>'.$cart_total.'</a>';
Change that to
$cart_output .= '<li class="parent shopping-bag-item"><a class="cart-contents" href="'.$woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url().'" title="'.__("View your shopping cart", "swiftframework").'"><i class="sf-cart"></i>'.$cart_total.' (Shop Bag)</a>';
Let me know, this is what you want. If not let me know what you need 😉
Make sure the theme is up-to-date.
Sorry for asking so many questions, Can you rephrase your question a brief. I didn’t understand what you trying to achieve.
Let me know, what you got.
Try like this
nav .menu li a{ font-family: font-deck-font-name !important; }
If that fails Can you share you WordPress login details? So I can login and try my level best to fix it. Or else I will forward this to the developer.
laranz.Hi Emmet,
1. In page builder, you see there are a lot of elements, one of that choose Products, and then click the products pen like icon in the right, to edit it. There choose mini in type.
2. Where? Can you show us a link? or which method you used to create those?
laranz. -