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  • ktheory
    Post count: 23

    Thanks Ed!
    As mentioned, this function helps on the blog single pages, but not on the output for the archive, carousel, recent posts, etc. Is there a global image hook you use for featured? Or do I have to pull all the separate functions (sf_get_recent_post_item, sf_post_thumbnail, etc)?

    Thanks for the continued support!


    Post count: 23

    I’m using the post builder to output the blog (recent posts carousel, and timeline), but not the post builder to create blog posts.

    Is there a SF hook I could use to add_filter or add_action to add the caption? For example, I kind of hacked a workable function on the blog single pages by using the sf_post_content_start hook to add the get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id())->post_excerpt, but it does not work on the blog archive, blog list, or recent posts.

    Or, if the ALT tag was working (and not outputting post title) I could use javascript to add the caption at page runtime.

    I love your themes, but I’ll admit that I’m surprised that this common functionality is not available. Image source/credits is a pretty common requirement for blogs.

    Any pointers would be much appreciated.

    Post count: 23

    Thanks Rui. Unfortunately, that doesn’t solve the issue on the blog pages. As with most blogs, you must credit the news/image source, but the blog output options(archive page, blog SPB modules, and default post outputs) don’t provide this for featured images (post_thumb) or as an excerpt.

    Moreover, the ALT tag is replaced with the post title, so I can modify with javascript either.

    Any ideas or updates??

    Thank you

    in reply to: Swift Builder – Shop Products categories #225163
    Post count: 23

    Hi Kyle,
    Thanks for the reply.

    You may want to update/fix/explain this module. I understand that there is a version for products, for which the label and instructions change (says “use product ID, comma separated”). When on the products category as in my screen shot, it auto searches and autofills the categories, which makes it VERY confusing. Since the categories are available to select, is this a feature that is likely to make the product road map?

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Portfolio URL rewrite HELP! #129008
    Post count: 23

    Hi Rui,

    am2014 is my neighborhood child theme. The initial thread pointed to adding this register function to a child-theme so that it would not be written over on updates.

    Sounds like I probably need to always replace the original function (or comment it out) after theme updates?

    I was hoping that I might be able to do this in a more seamless fashion.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Portfolio URL rewrite HELP! #128535
    Post count: 23

    Hello Mohammad,
    I’m trying to do the same thing, but I’m getting a fatal error saying I can’t redeclare that function? I’d love to get this working on my child theme.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare portfolio_register() (previously declared in /wp-content/themes/am2014/functions.php:14) in /wp-content/themes/neighborhood/includes/custom-post-types/portfolio-type.php on line 56

    Anything change in wp 4.0 or the the 1.96 version of Neighborhood?

    in reply to: Child Theme issues w/ Swift Framework #128121
    Post count: 23

    Hey all,
    Did this feature ever get fleshed out? I love the idea of some minor modifications to SF functions via child themes!

    Can you confirm whether or not this was a whole Swift Framework update? Like, can I do this yet in Dante or Flexform?


    in reply to: SSL Video Embed #127748
    Post count: 23

    Sorry. This is for Dante Version: 2.69

    in reply to: SSL Video Embed #127739
    Post count: 23

    Has this been addressed? Still doesn’t seem to work without modification.

    in reply to: Division by zero error in woo template #104630
    Post count: 23

    @Melanie – SUPPORT , Thanks. I would, except it’s a warning that seems related to Dante. I don’t get it with woo by itself. I have compared those two lines to the most recent woo templates, and it’s the same. That leads me to believe that it could be a conflict with something in Dante.

    in reply to: Dante Feature Request #104626
    Post count: 23

    The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

    @ktheory – do you have WordPress HTTPS plugin installed? No theme assets are loaded via hardcoded http.

    Ideas – Ed Sorry to revive this thread after so long… I’ve determined that there is no “icon-text.png” which is why the error shows up. I’ve checked my older Dante themes as well. Am I missing something?

    There is a call to it in line 1589 page-builder.css background: url(../img/icon-text.png) no-repeat center 3px;


    in reply to: Dante Feature Request #79906
    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed,

    I am not using that plugin. IIRC, there was a conflict between it and either ithemes security or woocommerce. Is that the plugin you recommend?


    in reply to: Dante Feature Request #79168
    Post count: 23

    Hey SI team,
    This is more of a low priority bug, than a feature request: Please add http/https support for some of the remaining admin items. Admin SSL breaks due to a few lingering requests. The main one is:

    The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.


    Post count: 23

    Hey Parmoni,
    You need to add the extra CSS class “smooth-scroll-link” to make them work in my experience.

    **Attn Support team, there still seems to be a bug in 2.56. Some anchor tags are still not working correctly as far as I can tell. I’ve noticed an issue in Apple Safari on 10.9.2.


    Post count: 23

    It seems to be any activated 3 of the 4 listed that will boot Clients out.

    Download Monitor
    Shortcode Menus
    Contact form 7

    It appears that 10 items in between posts and appearance is the max for that part of the admin UI. So with all the CPT’s that come with Dante(FAQ,Clients, etc), I guess I reach the UI limit. It’s weird that Clients is the first to go… first in term order I guess?

    So this looks like less of a Dante problem and more of a WP menu_position or menu_order max.

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