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  • in reply to: Checkout – Shipping and Handling #132520
    Post count: 34

    perrrfect – exactly to the point 🙂
    just a last question in this matter,

    would be great if i could make the text 2px smaller here
    in firebug its always so tricky to index the position

    thanks for your help so far!


    in reply to: Shipping / Social Icons / BACS #132450
    Post count: 34

    Hi there,

    any chance to get a more specific support on this one? I believed social icons are a general issue and quite a basic function. I urgently need to add soundcloud and mixcloud – would highly appreciate if you’d come back to me in this matter. The code Rui provided is not working.

    Thanks a lot.

    in reply to: Shipping / Social Icons / BACS #132077
    Post count: 34

    Hi Rui,

    thanks for the provided code. That worked just perfect – the BACS are hidden.
    Just the code for the social icons u provided seems not to work. What am I missing? Could you please explain the process more detailed? Thanks in advance!!

    – Ina

    in reply to: Shipping / Social Icons / BACS #130536
    Post count: 34
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    in reply to: Shipping / Social Icons / BACS #127827
    Post count: 34

    Hi Rui,

    honestly I’m quite disappointed with your shortcut of dealing with my questions, especially since I noticed that some nonsense subjects here getting explained detailed to the scratch.

    Nevertheless, have you ever seen how woo commerce support works? If so you’d be familiar with the fact that I’d never get an answer to those questions or maybe within a 4 month delay. I checked their forum and it’s rather horrible then helpful ..

    If you cant help me on the questions regarding shippings and BACS – which I believe should be in your service and knowledge since you offer a woo theme – at least ‘point me the direction’ how to get additional social icons run.


    in reply to: Disable zoom for specific products! #106252
    Post count: 34

    Thanks so much Kyle, exactly what i needed.

    in reply to: Footer Spacing #105589
    Post count: 34

    I have the same problem and don’t see why this should be special customizations. It simply looks odd when the footer goes suddenly up e.g. on woo commerce pages. I could fix this by my own built pages with the swift page builder thanks to spacing elements, but like shown in the screenshot it simply looks ugly on some pages. Would appreciate if there could be any fix offered. Thanks in advance,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Lightbox #94035
    Post count: 34

    Hello there,

    is this issue solved? If so how?

    Thanks in advance,- Ina

    Post count: 34

    Hi Kyle – figured that out now thanks.
    Due to issues with the demo content import in the beginning I erased and created so often new databases that the very last time i missed apperently the image settings. my mistake! Thanks for your fast help!

    Post count: 34

    Thanks for your fast reply. My settings in woo commerce are as recommended in the instruction, still having that problem … any idea?

    in reply to: Problem with Pages widget #88290
    Post count: 34

    could u briefly explain how? thanks in advance – ina

    Post count: 34

    Hey Ed,

    after changing my php.ini files with the help of SSH shell i got much closer to the target. Looks like i could import a lot off stuff from the alt version. Still got errors like:

    Failed to import slide-page ff about office
    Failed to import Media “sunbuddies-type01-tortoise-001”
    Failed to import Media “ol-suade-jacket-grey001”
    All done. Have fun!

    Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.

    any idea?
    Nevertheless glad that after trying hard on this issue since one week i see finally written – have fun! So i guess from now on i will. Still, do I miss some essential stuff with those error messages tho?

    Thanks in advance,

    Post count: 34

    unsubscribe! did you solve the issue vkialka? if so how?

    Post count: 34

    if the wordpress import/export process is nothing less than troublesome is there maybe a work around? please assist me in this matter

    Post count: 34

    Hi Ed,

    thanks for replying so fast.
    I get immediately failed to import messages, whatever I am trying, .gz, alt or splitted. All my php settings are as recommended. When I try to hit the back button of my browser it tells me the file could not be found. I am really running out of time here and feel quite desperate. Especially since I changed the host to a managed/dedicated server which costs me whole lots more money and we had to moved the domain etc. which costed time. The most hilarious thing is that I had zero problems importing the demo content with the previous host ( even it was a shared server and no settings were adjusted ). I simply changed the provider due to your recommendations and because I couldn’t get the slider run. Now I am struggling even with setting up the basics. I really need some assistance here and appreciate a fast support. Thanks in advance. Ina

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