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Posted in: We hit Power Elite.
Sorry, mystery solved, bought it under an account I don’t use anymore so wasn’t seeing the correct options. Sorry for the bother.
Wait, no! I’m truly confused by the support license (this, because when you click the Support tab at Envato, the price is the same as buying the theme). My original question still stands, do I need to repurchase the entire theme to have an updated support license? Or can I buy the support without repurchasing the theme?
Oops, nevermind, I didn’t read it properly. 🙂
Thanks!! You rock.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.If you mean just cosmetically, that it looks like it’s using one of WordPress’s out-of-the box themes, then go into your themes settings in admin and check that Neighborhood is still the chosen theme. But if you mean it’s missing all your posts/text, etc…I’m no help. 🙂
Best start a new thread so it gets the mod’s attention first thing.
Good luck!
FloAh, you must have updated after they fixed it then. In that case, I’ve no idea what’s going on with yours. What are you seeing error-wise? (I’m not customer support but maybe I can help)
…lowercase H, of course “h”.
Neighborhood is spelled neigHborhood, see that first “H”? It’s missing on the folder name, it says neigborhood. Put an H after the g.
It’s in wp-content/themes
Glad to help! I was kicking myself this morning for not waiting, as is my usual policy, for a new update to settle in before installing. Twas a swift reminder to wait it out in future (pun intended, hee)
No offense to you Swift Idea folks, btw, I love my theme like crazy. 🙂
What a mess that was. I had to restore from a backup, then lost all my widgets.
Please check the folder name of your update, it appears that was spelled incorrectly: neigborhood (without an “h”)
That worked perfectly!! Thank you so much. 🙂
Posted in: We hit Power Elite.