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  • in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98937
    Post count: 542

    That is not entirely true.

    I have just done some testing with this free plugin:

    Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager

    With that plugin the ‘bug’ does not exist.

    Here is how it works with that plugin:

    #1. You create a custom sidebar
    #2. Add a widget/s to that sidebar
    #3. When you switch themes e.g. From Cardinal to 2014, the custom sidebar remains BUT the widgets saved within that sidebar disappear.
    #4. However, here is the big difference between that plugin and Cardinals custom sidebars; when you re-enable Cardinal, the custom sidebar is still there AND the widgets you saved within that custom sidebar are there.

    So two things:

    #1. Can you replicate the same functionality as the custom sidebars plugin (i.e. set it up so that saved widgets don’t disappear permanently)? That would be ideal as adding another plugin to my setup would ideally be avoided…
    #2. Integrate that plugin with Cardinal and its normal sidebar styling etc.

    See the two attached screenshots:

    ‘Custom sidebar widgets’ shows a normal Cardinal sidebar with a custom menu widget.

    ‘Custom sidebar plugin with Cardinal’ shows a sidebar setup using that plugin – the issue is the styling. The heading ‘shortcodes’ has no styling and the menu items are not separated by a divider etc…

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    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98917
    Post count: 542

    Id have to disagree with you there. Its very common to switch themes for testing during development. The first thing a plugin author tells you to do if you run into a bug with their plugin is to switch to one of the default wordpress themes and see if the issue is prevalent on that as well.

    I still don’t think we are 100% on the same page – I dont expect the custom sidebars I created in cardinal to work if I switch to another theme.

    The issue is that when you switch to 2014 for example for some testing; you are faced with a big issue when you enable cardinal again – i.e. The widgets you saved within the custom sidebars you created disappear.

    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98894
    Post count: 542

    Ah, that is what I feared.

    Bit of a disaster situation when you are developing a website. Any idea if WordPress plan to fix this?

    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98889
    Post count: 542

    No, when I enable 2014 the custom sidebars and widgets within those sidebars are gone – thats the way it should be.

    However, when I re-enable Cardinal again, the widgets that were saved within the custom sidebars are gone.

    in reply to: Smooth Scroll/Row ID bug #98887
    Post count: 542
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    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98881
    Post count: 542

    Hi Kyle,

    You didnt read my post correctly…

    Enabling Cardinal again and you lose all of the saved widgets within your custom sidebars…

    Post count: 542
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    in reply to: Icon Search #95457
    Post count: 542

    Would love this as well.

    in reply to: Couple of random suggestions… #94466
    Post count: 542


    in reply to: Cardinal v1.5 known issues #94161
    Post count: 542
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    in reply to: Cardinal v1.5 known issues #94138
    Post count: 542


    Just deleted my cache, made sure I am running the latest version of Cardinal (1.54) and checked these again.

    #1. Message box paragraph issue is not resolved. Tested on both a page and post. Still can’t get paragraphs to display properly – i.e a space after each paragraph.

    #2. Working fine now.


    in reply to: Cardinal v1.5 known issues #94088
    Post count: 542

    Thanks Rui.

    in reply to: Cardinal v1.5 known issues #93933
    Post count: 542

    3 bugs I have run into

    #1. Message box paragraphs are not working – screenshot shows you what I mean.

    #2. Video player asset – vimeo. See screenshot. Lots of problems with that. Shrunken height, extends to the right, outside of the pages normal width etc. Not just a problem on my site, you can see the bug on your asset reference site:

    #3. Echoing what another license holder posted on Themeforest:
    When editing a text block, the paragraphs/line breaks are removed and a non-breaking space is added at the beginning.

    I haven’t been able to replicate the non-breaking space part of the bug, but the paragraphs/line breaks is something I have run into…

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