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  • in reply to: Issues with Cardinal and multiple tabs #99709
    Post count: 542
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    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #99657
    Post count: 542

    Hey Ed,

    I just did a quick test there and they appeared in the ‘Inactive Sidebar (not used)’ (see screenshot) column. That doest make any sense because for my test I used the custom sidebar ‘Shortcodes menu widget’ that I created. That sidebar is still there on the widgets page, it just doesn’t have the widgets saved in it any-more after disabling Cardinal – enabling twentytwelve – re-enabling Cardinal…

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    in reply to: Issues with Cardinal and multiple tabs #99445
    Post count: 542

    No bother. I know it can be tricky code wise to get everything to work within multiple tabs.

    in reply to: Issues with Cardinal and multiple tabs #99438
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    in reply to: Make Team profile pages optional #99434
    Post count: 542


    in reply to: Make Team profile pages optional #99420
    Post count: 542

    Yea thats a fair point. Maybe just add a email and telephone icon instead of the actual text and digits.

    in reply to: Make Team profile pages optional #99417
    Post count: 542

    Ok. So with profile page turned off, there is no way to display the phone number on the team members within the carousels?

    I just noticed this is the case with the email meta box as well.

    in reply to: Make Team profile pages optional #99407
    Post count: 542


    Just thought I would bump this as there is one issue with the new implementation. The original feature requested has already been implemented in the most recent update. However, it has created one issue:

    # If you disable the link to the profile page, there is one glaring issue with that. If you have entered a phone number for the ‘team’ member, it will not show up anywhere – i.e. On the main display box in the carosel or when you hover over the image. The phone number only shows up on the actual profile page of the team member…

    Post count: 542

    Making some progress here; issue 3 is resolved.

    Anyone else who has run into the same issue – it is likely the problem is caused from importing event data (events, organisers and venues) from another wordpress install. I have found that causes all sorts of problems, so its best avoided.

    So just issues 1 and 2 remaining from my first post now…

    Post count: 542

    Managed to solve one issue with Cardinal and Events Calendar Pro integration. See the attached screenshot. There is a styling issue with the calendar popup/date picker in the admin edit event page. I applied the following CSS to solve the issue:

    .events-cal #ui-datepicker-div {
    border: 1px solid #aaaaaa !important;
    background: #ffffff !important;
    color: #222222 !important;

    For anyone reading this with the same setup – you can’t place that code in the custom css panel in Cardinal – that won’t update the backend/admin css. You need to place it in a plugin like easy admin css – that overrides the wordpress admin css.

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    Post count: 542
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    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #99261
    Post count: 542

    Hi Ed,

    I don’t think we are fully on the same page.

    I am not asking for the custom widget areas created by Cardinal to remain when you disable the theme – I agree, that doesnt make any sense. They should disappear when another theme is enabled.

    The issue is that after spending a lot of time creating the custom sidebars for your site using Cardinal and placing a lot of widgets into those sidebars, a lot of that work is effectively lost when you disable Cardinal and then re-enable it.

    Here is the ideal use case scenario:

    Cardinal is enabled:

    #1. You create a custom sidebar, for example ‘Demo sidebar 1’
    #2. Within that custom sidebar, you place the Swift Framework Tweets, Swift Framework video widget and the Swift Framework recent posts and configure those to your needs.

    For testing purposes you need to disable Cardinal and the default Twentyfourteen theme is enabled.

    #1. ‘Demo sidebar 1’ does not appear on the widgets page as Cardinal has been disabled.

    Cardinal is re-enabled:

    #1. ‘Demo sidebar 1’ appears again AND the swift framework widgets that were saved in that sidebar previously also appears again.

    As things currently stands, that last step does not happen. The ‘Demo sidebar 1’ appears again fine, but the widgets that were saved within it are gone…

    No idea if that plugin offers that, I just used it as an example to demonstrate the issue.

    in reply to: Cardinal bug with custom sidebars/widgets #98968
    Post count: 542

    Thanks Ed.

    Look forward to hearing their feedback.

    in reply to: Smooth Scroll/Row ID bug #98963
    Post count: 542

    Working nicely now – Didn’t realise I needed to add that class.


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