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Solved it by opening the blog from swift pagebuilder to classic and change the Category=”All” to what i like. Here i can also remove Author info, Post dates and so if i want, because it don’t save them properly from the blogs, only from the single articles.
Regards, CharlieHi
Just wanted to say that i finally figured it out, thanks to opacity instead. It’s not perfect because i’m not able to add html in to that caption, but quite nice anyway. What do you think about if there was more than one captions. Caption 1 with smaller text, Caption 2 with big text and Caption 3 with smaller again. Would that work and would it be hard to make?Thank you for pointing me to the right way.
Regards, CharlieYes, i understand that. I have used Firebug and was almost there. I was able to add a transparent background to the caption and move it up over the image exactly were i wanted it. But the problem was that the transparent background was behind the image, not over the image. I was able to see the background when using a border to the image. The caption text was over the image.
So, do you have an idea why?
Regards, CharlieThanks!
Well, i was hoping to get the base code, because i’m stuck here.By the way, i’m also want to be able to use some code in the caption: <br /> and <strong></strong>
The code in earlier post is not complete because it did not allow me to past it there, but just uncomment those title codes from those files, i have done that and it works, but be sure you save a copy from original files.
Sorry for the earlier post, this does not let me to paste the code here, so if you look at those files, near the line 43 in woocommerce-templates.php you will find that title code.
And in flexform/archive-product.php from lines 35-37, be sure to uncomment from the div tags, one before and one after.Hope you will find it.
If you want to remove them the simplest way is to uncomment them from the php files. I know the developers never recommend to do this because the theme updates, but if you save a copy from the original files and remember what you did, maybe it’s ok.
Anyway, here’s how.
in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-template.php on line 43 uncomment this:
and in wp-content/themes/flexform/archive-product.php on line 35-37 uncomment this:
<!--<div class="page-heading span12 clearfix alt-bg ">
Note: I use Flexform version 1.2 and WooCommerce version 2+ so if you not have those version, maybe the line numbers is different.
Cheers, Charlie!
By the way
Is there any possibility to create some extra class to not display breadcrumbs and than use the class on pages you do not want it? Or is it supposed to work that way already, but don’t take effect on WooCommerce pages?
Thanks matelot! Perhaps i need to deactivate the plugin, because in WooCommerce pages under page options it not work to remove the breadcrumbs.
The reason why i want it away from WooCommerce is that the breadcrumb gives a “Go to the simple Etikett Archives link, and that looks terrible. Don’t see any reason to show that for a visitor.
It’s a petty if i must deactivate it, because otherwise i like it.
Resolved it. The images are now smaller. Did not see that there was a new WooCommerce Option in Flexforms Theme Options because i did not have WooCommerce installed before. Now i have a sidebar there which make the images smaller in All Products page.
Can it possible be because you use a sidebar on your WooCommerce demo? I’m not able to add a sidebar to the All Products page, but have readed about Woosidebars plugin provided from WooDojo. Do you think that works to add a sidebar to that page or does it mess up my site?
Hi Ed!
It’s ok now, deleted the width from that custom css and it now works fine in both Full width and Boxed Layout.
But, i tested and there is something wrong with this code in Custom css. Can you see what it is i’m doing wrong?
.boxed-layout {
width: 1230px;
margin: 0px auto;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.6);
}Nope, i have only changed the Custom css styling. It is responsive in Full Width Layout, but not in boxed?
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