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  • in reply to: Changing color – Post Comment Button, Textcolor #33961
    Post count: 57

    Hi Orrii,

    I am not from support, I am a customer just like u, thought could be of help. To change the color of the button you can go to color customiser, which can be found either from Theme options or the admin bar above.

    Once in color customiser dashboard look for Color-Accent, click on the drop down, In the option which says Secondary Accent color change it to any color of your liking, also you can change the Secondary Accent Alt color ( i keep it white as a contrast to the blue for the secondary accent I choose for myself ). This I think will change the button color.

    For Text, Go down in the dashboard, You will find an option Color-Body, click on the dropdown, you will find body text color and other options, change them to suite your style.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Shortcode generator not working #33956
    Post count: 57

    Hi Ed,

    you did it, that resolved the issue. I had prepared a development environment on a WAMP server on my desktop. It was also giving the same problem. I incorporated the change that you suggested into the config.php and IT IS WORKING !!!!!!!

    So I guess the problem lied with the absolute path. So guys, please go into wp-content > Themes > Dante > swift-framework >sf-shortcodes > config.php

    Once in config.php (edit mode) replace the content with the one provided by Ed, save changes and close. Now try the shortcode generator, hope it works out.
    Cheers!!! God , that was wicked, Ed. Customer Support is Five star.


    in reply to: Shortcode generator not working #33853
    Post count: 57

    Hi Ed,
    I am also getting a white screen when trying to use short code generator. checked with Apache error logs, it gave

    PHP Warning: require_once(/home/teamveco/public_html/medianama/themes/dante/swift-framework/sf-shortcodes/config.php/wp-load.php) [<a href='function.require-once'>function.require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/teamveco/public_html/medianama/themes/dante/swift-framework/sf-shortcodes/config.php on line 6

    I have checked /sf-shortcodes/config.php/ it has

    	$absolute_path = __FILE__;
    	$file_path = explode( 'wp-content', $absolute_path );
    	$wp_path = $file_path[0];
    	require_once( $wp_path . '/wp-load.php' );

    both config.php and interface.php are set to 755, no .htaccess issues

    so I tried to drill down, I think the issue might be due to incomplete installation of V1.02 or absolute path settings.

    I went over to stackoverflow, somebody faced a similar issue with genesis framework, they have suggested a reinstall of the theme :

    So Ed, I am trying out all the options, and also I have modsecurity enabled, it gave 403 error in the log. So guys, sometimes modsecurity rulesets can also be the problem. I am working on this, will update soon.


    in reply to: Install Demo Content #33841
    Post count: 57

    Thnx a lot, U guys rock, I was finally able to import the content, issue was with Contact Form 7 and rev slider not being installed.

    Thnx again

    in reply to: Install Demo Content #33664
    Post count: 57

    Well, I tried importing, it gave me these errors
    Failed to import Media “ol-suade-jacket-grey005”
    [… admin edited – lots of media failures…]
    Failed to import “Contact form”: Invalid post type wpcf7_contact_form

    in reply to: Can't find Revolution Slider #31605
    Post count: 57

    Hi jhacker87,

    First of all, let me tell you that I am not from the support, I am a customer just like you, thought I could be of some help.

    you can find the revolution slider on the side panel of wordpress admin menu. When you are logged in as an admin, in the backend, On your left side you will find Appearance tab, click/hover on it, You will find the Install plugin options as the last one down at the bottom.

    Click on Install Plugin > Revolution Slider > Hover on it > it gives the option to install.

    If its not there, then you can find it in the Neighborhood wordpress installation zip file (which you can always download from your account on themeforest). Only the wordpress installation zip file and not the entire stuff.
    Unzip the package > go to the neighborhood folder > Includes folder > Plugins folder > > upload the package as zip into the plugins, and there u go.

    If its not there on either of the location, then I think you have to redownload the stuff.


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