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  • cassieegan
    Post count: 17

    I have tried to clear the cache in the WP super cache- it wasn’t activated so I had no cache to clear.. also i have been emailing with woo commerce and they suggested I switch themes to the twenty twelve theme and deactivate all plugins bar woo commerce

    Now the functionality of woo commerce is working – where as it was not working at all with the neighbourhood theme.

    I have switched back into the neighbourhood theme and the only plugin activated is woo commerce and there is now NO woo commerce add to cart or option to buy- what is the issue in this case?


    Post count: 17

    Hi there- any update? thanks!

    in reply to: Product Fade overlay problems #123835
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    in reply to: Product Fade overlay problems #123832
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    I have the same issues!

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    Post count: 17

    previously- this has come up on each page- could it be this?

    “Your theme has bundled outdated copies of WooCommerce template files – if you encounter functionality issues on the frontend this could be the reason. Ensure you update or remove them (in general we recommend only bundling the template files you actually need to customize). See the system report for full details.”

    I am really not sure what to do with it- could you please help? I am still a beginner and I have no idea!

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    Post count: 17

    Hi there
    has the new update changed which neighbourhood update changed the comp ability of woo commerce? I cannot add anything to a cart.
    Also on the main shop page, the main photo of the product changes to the second image. see attached please! 🙂 thanks

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    Post count: 17

    Also – forgot to mention – I made some changes this morning – could that be the cause?
    I went into pages>shop>edit> in the description bit i added a |$10 flat rate shipping| so it would show up above the products in the shop page
    I added in SEO details

    I then got an email from someone who couldnt add anything to cart/ make a purchase – which alerted me to the failure happening!!!
    I reverted to a page version from June so i got rid of all of the changes i made.

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 ready? #111700
    Post count: 17

    Hi, I have v1.90.

    I only have 2 files in my child theme (style.css and screenshot.png) but I have the content-product.php in the parent theme.

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 ready? #111681
    Post count: 17

    Thanks, I’ve got this working now. Problem is that it tells me the theme has bundled outdated files for Woocommerce which are the template files. Which ones should I delete?

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 ready? #111547
    Post count: 17

    There actually isn’t a neighbourhood one there that I can see – apart from the child one- it is gone- see attatchments- When I tried to upload neighbourhood as a new theme it said that it already existed.

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    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 ready? #111539
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Mohammad- Before I do this- I am nervous that I will loose everything on my website- is there anything to do to prevent this happening? Will everything still be in place once I delete and then upload neighbourhood?


    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 ready? #111437
    Post count: 17

    I had the automated wordpress update and since then my neighbourhood theme has been removed and the child theme is broken and switching to the default- what do i do in this case? All of my theme has disappeared. Initially it said that the wordpress automated update could not be completed and the website was absolutely blank- but now it has been completed and has switched themes to the default.
    At the bottom of the themes page is this :

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    Neighborhood_v1.3.4 Stylesheet is missing.
    neighborhood Stylesheet is missing.

    What do i do from here?? Thankyou!

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