Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • in reply to: Blog Media Image Problem #46807
    Post count: 8

    Nevermind, I solved it myself. For anyone having this problem use

    .body-text img {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;


    in reply to: Blog viewed as Portofolio Thumbnails #46494
    Post count: 8

    I figured it out, it was merely emptying the trash from my post because it was picking up the previous “test” page. Thank you!

    in reply to: Load more than 12 portfolio posts #45082
    Post count: 8

    Nevermind, I stumbled across it, thank you!

    in reply to: Load more than 12 portfolio posts #44884
    Post count: 8

    I cannot find this option. Can anyone help? Is it on the actual portfolio page with the list of all your projects on it? Thanks! P.S your support is awesome.

    in reply to: Child Theme Lilaea Media Plugin #43597
    Post count: 8

    To break it down, I’m having trouble having my child theme override the parent. I searched your forums and saw someone have the same problem but was resolved and I was hoping I could find out what he changed to have it direct to his child theme. Here’s where I am feeling it will go (under main-css, but need to be sure. Help?

    in reply to: Child Theme Lilaea Media Plugin #43266
    Post count: 8

    Hey Melanie! Thanks for getting back to me. So I just used the plugin to create a child theme. My main problem now is trying to get the site to read my child theme css, because as of now it is now overriding any of the changes I want to make. I have read numerous forums where it has to do with where my header is getting its information from. I’ve located the problem through web inspector, which is I need to create a child for Funcions.php, but that is where I get a little lost. I know I’m close, I just need that extra little push in the right direction.

    The site I’m doing is
    – Under Sugimoto: I want to change the divider color from grey to the ff0077, which is what is written in the child css..

    I hope this helps!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)