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  • in reply to: Make font smaller on mobile #219658
    Post count: 179

    hi i dont actually know how to take screen shots of the samsung galaxy s5 screen! i will research this and try to send you the pics as soon as i learn how to do it!

    basically what looks bad is when you go into the catalog and then you see the product descriptors (price, size, mesh, sku, price) overly large in relation to the size of the image of the canvas. they should be smaller, tighter, more proportional, IMHO.

    ditto the top line menu bar/ header area, which should be bigger…. as it is too small in relation to what is going on below it.

    i have no problem writing the media queries, as i am very comfortable with css3 etc… and it would be really great if you guys can give me a hint about the correct way to go about this.

    again thanks.

    in reply to: Make font smaller on mobile #219615
    Post count: 179

    site went live today, on 10-9-15.
    would really appreciate any pointers re resizing text on mobile devices as soon as possible.
    i am familiar with media queries.
    but i am asking is there anything out of the box from atelier than i can do to reduce text size depending on display size, short of my having to write a significant amount of custom css.
    after all, this is one of the main reasons why i bought atelier in the first place: to spare me the hassle of dealing with responsiveness issues.

    in reply to: href redirect not working #216065
    Post count: 179

    hi david,

    i added one extra line of code, as shown below, and it solved the problem in chrome, ie, ff, and opera.
    basically i applied a “magic” hack in the case where items have been deleted from the cart in order to break the infinite loop in your original code where the user unfortunately keeps cycling back to the empty cart page after deleting the last product in a cart.
    i know my addition would probably cause jquery purists to blanch and mumble in tongues, but it works in all test cases correctly. also no need for HTML5 local storage after all, as i previously thought, so no browser dependency.
    behavior of site is now as follows:
    the end user is returned to page 1 of the catalog, in the case where 1 item is deleted and no items remain in the cart.
    this also works correctly when 1 item is deleted, and items remain in the cart (clicking on the continue shopping also returns the user to page 1 of the catalog).
    finally in the case where the user is on the cart page and wants to continue shopping (and no items have been deleted, ie the cart lists 1 or more products), it correctly takes them back to wherever they came from (whether it is the first page of the catalog, or some other random page).

    that of course was the original requirement, which atelier/woocommerce out of the box does not support, but which you were kind enough to supply a jquery custom solution that partially solved the problem

    as an aside, you guys might want to consider adding this sort of functionality in a future release of atelier, as it is really useful and a time saver to the end user. my tweeking of your customization alas does NOT allow for the user to return to the page of origin after deleting the last item in a cart list, but this hack is good enough for my client at this point and it will be included when the site goes live next week.

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
       var referrer =  document.referrer;
       var defaultURL = '';
       if   // this tests the condition if a product has been removed and there are no more in the cart
            == '')
           jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", HAX);  // magic hack
    // now you can invoke the referrer if there are 1 or more items left in the cart
       if ( referrer ) {
            jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", referrer);
            jQuery("a.button.wc-backward").prop("href", referrer);
       } else {
            jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", defaultURL);
    in reply to: href redirect not working #215150
    Post count: 179

    well… the actual logic is quite simple, of course, for case 3

    first time in, save referrer val to global variable
    user deletes the product from the cart
    page refreshes automatically
    now the current url is equal to the referring url
    this is the problem
    your function should test for this: if the above == TRUE, then return to PREVIOUS REFERRER value (the saved global var)

    that logic should solve for this state, but I can’t quite it to work properly — it probably has to do with the onload global var function being invoked every time the page reloads, when I only want this to happen once — when the document loads the first time. basically i want a static global variable a la C++ but I cant quite figure out how to do it in js. i thought HTML5 solved that problem with local storage.

    here is the code (which does not quite work in case 3, and thus I disabled both functions on the web site)

    window.onload = function () {
        if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
           localStorage.setItem("initialReferrer", 0);
        } else {
        alert("Your browser does not support Web Storage");
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
       var referrer =  document.referrer;
       var defaultURL = '';
       if (localStorage.getItem("initialReferrer") == referrer) {
           jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", initialReferrer);
            jQuery("a.button.wc-backward").prop("href", initialReferrer);
            return true;
       if ( referrer ) {
            jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", referrer);
            jQuery("a.button.wc-backward").prop("href", referrer);
            localStorage.setItem("initialReferrer", referrer);
            return true;
       } else {
            jQuery("a.continue-shopping").prop("href", defaultURL);

    I will ask the stackoverflow gurus for some insight, as the board seems pretty useless.

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214655
    Post count: 179

    i tried to get fancy and added a global local storage var
    to make the initial referring value persistent across
    page loads but no go.

    your code still works, however! (but users still get caught in a loop after deleting a product unless they swipe or click back)


    in reply to: href redirect not working #214610
    Post count: 179

    any luck?


    in reply to: swift slider resize #214588
    Post count: 179

    i played around with slider rev yesterday for the first time
    this is an absolutely brilliant product
    will be very useful for the dallas trade show where my client is going
    to demo the site next weekend to various vendors.

    quick question, not urgent

    the installed version i have is 5.0.7
    but the slider rev page off my sidebar says
    the latest available version is

    so i reckon then the next automatic atelier update will have it?

    ps my tf account only has atelier listed — slider rev is bundled with the atelier zip
    so it is not possible to download separately the latest version of slider rev


    in reply to: href redirect not working #214572
    Post count: 179

    almost perfect except in use case 3
    customer adds a product to the cart
    customer goes to view cart page
    customer deletes product from cart
    the empty cart page is now displayed (
    customer clicks on Return to Shop
    the customer again sees
    instead of original referrer page

    so it looks like an original referrer var has to be declared in the function
    then that is the one used to href back, no matter where the customer goes after that

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214550
    Post count: 179


    as they say in NY (where I’m from, by way of the Midlands UK), you’re a mensch!
    I have deleted all custom JS.

    The owner of the site considers all traffic on the site as a form of shopping (as oppposed
    to her more social media presence on fb and, where
    she receives considerable amounts of daily traffic
    and where she is often asked by people outside of florida — ie not in
    her fla B&M) how to buy her products, hence
    the need for

    thus returning to any referrer page is logical shop-related navigation
    from a UI/UX perspective and does not
    require changing any HTML text on any Return to Shop box or hyperlink

    so her requirement is

    use case 1:
    say a customer is in the middle of the catalog (or the HP, or any other page)
    customer clicks on the empty cart icon
    customer is now here
    customer clicks on Return to Shop box
    customer returns to

    use case 2:
    say a customer is in the middle of the catalog
    customer adds a product to the cart (either from this page, or the product page)
    customer clicks on Continue shopping hyperlink
    customer returns to

    use case 3:
    same as above, except customer deletes product from cart, then
    same behavior as use case 1

    Many thanks!!!

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214344
    Post count: 179

    it is now in the hands of the gurus.

    see forum

    there is no reason your solution (or mine, for that matter) should not work in my prod env.
    it is almost a lost cause trying to debug your jquery as the chrome debugger throws me into this unreadable jquery library, even after i blackbox jquery.

    i refuse to let this go, as it defies reason and common sense, and programming to me after all is said and done is about logic not vodoo magic where code only works here but not there every other sunday except when it rains.


    in reply to: href redirect not working #214330
    Post count: 179

    > david hi

    actually i had commented out all my custom js functions
    now i have trashed them entirely and saved just your jquery function

    it still does not work
    obviously i am doing something wrong somehow and it is completely beyond me how to fix to i am just going to drop it.
    again thx!

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214246
    Post count: 179

    > david thank you for the supplied jquery.

    unfortunately, it is being ignored. perhaps i did something wrong. all i did was cut and pasteit into the swift custom js window, and removing the comment forward slashes from the console calls. i am sure i have to set some obscure switch somewhere to make the interpreter recognize it. for some reason, this is starting to get way to complicated for something as simple as this. i cannot understand why this env is so unique that a standard, technically correct javascript func does not work here. and now suddenly the onclick js that worked last night (and was tested in other envs) no longer works correctly here. this is really starting to be beyond my limited comprehension ability actually, and frankly extremely non productive. but again, thank you for the jquery routine which alas is being ignored by the wp shmagilla. i am dropping this is telling the client it cannot be done, period.

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    var referrer = document.referrer;
    var defaultURL = ‘’;

    if ( referrer ) {
    jQuery(“a.continue-shopping”).prop(“href”, referrer);
    } else {
    jQuery(“a.continue-shopping”).prop(“href”, defaultURL);
    console.log(“No refering URL set. Defaulting back to default cart URL.”);


    in reply to: href redirect not working #214226
    Post count: 179

    > david k. i see. will change default accordingly and see what happens. thanks again!

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214225
    Post count: 179

    all right i am going to pose the question to the regular forum
    there must be something performing the redirect blocking, and i will be darned if i don’t find out what it is! thx for the help tho

    in reply to: href redirect not working #214223
    Post count: 179

    jquery snippet chrome local scope watch

    <return>: undefined
    defaultURL: “;
    referrer: “;

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