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  • in reply to: Broken Portfolio Category Name in Swift Builder #278498
    Post count: 3

    Hi Rui,

    Thanks for the reply!
    This is awkward. I am facing this issue for the first time in my wordpress practice.
    Unfortunately such a conversion will not work in my case, because the website will be multi-language and most of the taxonomies are using international names, which will cause conflict in both languages and there will be category slugs like “partners-1”.

    For now I will try this solution, but still all permalinks will use this “transliterated” format, which is not good.

    in reply to: Broken Portfolio Category Name in Swift Builder #278461
    Post count: 3
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Broken Portfolio Category Name in Swift Builder #278415
    Post count: 3

    And what does Rui say?

    There are 4 days with no adequate answer for an obvious bug/issue with the theme. This is not a customization issue, nor a misconfiguration. This is how your theme (Page Builder) get the data from the DB. If I wanted to dig into your code and chase bugs by myself I would have written a custom theme from scratch.

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