New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Dante Feature Request


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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #119256
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @puntobiancosnc – I really wish we could, and we did offer a 50% refund upgrade offer when it was first released, however ThemeForest forced us to remove this offer. We are hoping we can make this a reality in the future.

    We’re also doing what we can to bring the latest Page Builder functionality into Dante.

    – Ed

    Post count: 12

    how can I stop notifications?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
    Post count: 181


    Thanks for the explanation, I totally understand. For my main site I was lucky to move to Cardinal early on since I noticed that there is much more to it than meets the eye compared to Dante.

    However, I had Dante so I am giving it a try for another site after working with Cardinal for 100s of hours and that makes the differences stand out. For the purpose I am using it (a very simple site) it fits nicely and should an upgrade is needed in the future it is not the end of the world.

    What I said above was perhaps “too focused” on Dante while in reality my main concern is more general and has to do with future theme upgrades especially for large sites. For example, my main site (Cardinal) will evolve to 200 pages or more in the future, considering several stylesheets we have more than 1500 lines of CSS and still growing + 23 plugins. You can imagine that the least of my worries would be the price for a new theme or for an upgrade pack. Then this site will also have 2 or 3 “sister sites” as well and the same is true there too.

    One day, I will have to upgrade (to your latest framework) and what applies to a Dante user today could apply to Cardinal in the future. The guide you have is simple yes and I used it back then but aside the theme a lot of plugins and other items needed adjustments as well but since I was early on the web site design I did not mind. Nevertheless, plugins and 3rd party programs is not your responsibility but if you can offer some flexibility there too (compatibility tests) it would be great. Now, offering new features (not free) if possible code-wise to some older themes could be a solution for many customers that might be stuck to an older platform and can’t change themes straight away. The way to do it is up to you to find.

    To sum it up it is not about the cost. Many customers would not mind at all buying an automated upgrade pack at the same price as buying a new theme or whatever you see as appropriate both for your customers and your company’s well being. It is true though that moving to new platforms is not always feasible without sacrificing compatibility and this applies to several other sectors outside the WWW. Perhaps moving to plugin based upgrades could be a viable solution as well.

    I have literally spent weeks checking out themes and have concluded on using your themes both for our own needs and for our customers in the future. My comments are only suggestions but since I know that you care about feedback I find it worthwhile to write in hope of contributing to future developments that will be beneficial for all.

    All the best with your future plans!


    Post count: 181

    BTW – LOL @ Envato but it seems like they also have a business to run. Well we can’t have everything can we? Nevermind, in the end I am glad to be able to find solutions to my needs easily and at very reasonable cost so I can understand certain policies. But as you grow….you know the drill.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    As far as I can see, with what we’ve built for the framework going forward, it won’t be replaced anytime soon.

    We’ve built it ready to move the Page Builder to a plugin, and also have the framework as a separate plugin, with the ideal reality that we can allow users to install/configure exactly what they need.

    Thanks again for the feedback, have a great weekend.

    – Ed

    Post count: 184

    Possible to add a search option to the portfolio masonry filter bar?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @bongobong – I really like that idea! Will add it to the list and try and plan implementation for it.


    – Ed

    Post count: 177

    Hi Guys
    Can you add the Fancy Heading style to the Jobs section as well?
    So that it can conform with the rest of the theme.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Thanks for the input. Will forward to the development team so they can consider that idea.



    Post count: 57

    Hi Ed,

    Have feature requests for the icon boxes.

    1) Option to select size of the icons in icon-box as we can do the same with standalone icons.

    2) Icon boxes without icon containers as an option for standard icon-box.

    I hope these are not too difficult options to manage.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for the input.
    Will forward to Ed.


    Post count: 180

    Let us change menu design with a few choice instead of just one underline design.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Guess you are talking about having different Menu items design/effects.
    Thanks for the input. Will forward to the development team.


    Post count: 695

    Hi guys.
    Assuming that you develop your themes with respect to a full woocommerce integration, I’d like to share with you developers a problem I’m having with Dante and Woocommerce Checkout Addons.
    Assuming that you know what this plugin does, I have to say that I had to apply a few customizations in order to make the plugin work responsively.
    Prior to do this, I opened a ticket on woothemes to get support.
    After some replies between me and them, they suggested me to ask to theme’s developer for help.
    Despite the fact that I already manage by myself to fix plugin’s issues, I’m expecting you and plugin’s dev to get in touch in order to make Dante or whatever fully compatible also with this plugin.
    In the attached screenshot, an expcerpt of the woothemes ticket replies.

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