New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Dante Feature Request


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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #114560
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Follow this guide:

    2) You can now use the ‘Row element’ for your parallax background, and ad page builder elements inside the row

    – Kyle

    Post count: 6

    Please, add ability to add custom social icons!!!!! There are a lot of different social networks around the world!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks for the request

    – Kyle

    Post count: 49

    Thanks Kyle for the above.

    A team member filter option would also be a great add on.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok thanks, will pass these on to the developer

    Post count: 695

    Hi guys!
    As a super sticky post you can create a thread about templates’ compatible plugins.
    Some other developers do that. Not just to copy them, but it’s useful enough. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for the idea, will suggested it to the Development team.

    Post count: 106


    I would like to have the opportunity to show portfolio category description.

    Best regards

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok thanks

    – Kyle

    Post count: 695

    You definitely must do something to search results pages. For instance, get rid of default sitemap.
    As I already suggested and some others devs do, widgetized areas within content page would be perfect to manage those things. Think about it, please.
    Or take a look at Enfold by Kriesi. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 181

    I was working with Dante today for a side project and since I had bought it I thought of using it. This project is a very simple site.

    Well, compared to Cardinal it seems so poor to me now from every point of view. In particular the Page Builder is lacking many of the features found in Cardinal and I was wondering if there is a chance that it gets an update to get the same Page Builder features as well.

    I do not know if it is possible to add everything since Cardinal uses a newer framework but at leas some of the basic stuff such as saving elements or some padding/margin tweaking should be fairly easy to implement.

    Yet, it is my opinion that your should consider “slowing down” the pace of pumping out new themes or find a solution to keep adding new features to the ones already out even if it is through plugins or upgrade packs that are paid for. Money is not the issue here, functionality and ease of maintenance for the end user is though and this is really critical.

    Having to upgrade to a new theme (and breaking the site or parts of) when a site is live is not easy especially for larger sites (100 pages+) that have chosen to use your wonderful themes.

    I was really hesitant on using Dante even for this simple site for fear that I will have to upgrade it if more features are needed in the future and have to re-edit all the pages, header, menu, etc.

    I am not suggesting that you should not move forward but an easy and painless upgrade path instead for those customers that use older themes. I am sure a lot of people hesitate to move to a new theme for fear that they break their sites. This is lost sales for you too.
    I can’t imagine daring to change the theme of a site that I have spent 500+ hours to build while I would gladly buy an “upgrade” pack that would offer me an automated process.

    Come on bring it on! You have a great framework and an amazing Page Builder so proceed to the next step! Upgrade packs or Feature Packs or Whatever Packs!



    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @Sotiris – as we’ve grown, we’ve learnt a lot, and as such we’ve pushed to new heights with our latest framework on Cardinal + Joyn. Unfortunately in order to do that, we needed to move away to something that wasn’t easily back-portable, to allow us to make such advancements.

    I appreciate the opinion, however with the market we are in – we need to take the steps we take to maintain the company, and be able to keep providing support for you guys.

    If we had it our way with ThemeForest, we’d find a way to make it monetarily viable for us, discounts, paid upgrades, etc. Unfortunately that isn’t possible at this time. We’re on the path to having our own shop in the future, which will allow us to offer much better pricing for themes/support.

    Moving onto progressing with Dante, we have actually been looking into ways to upgrade the Page Builder to the latest version, add in various framework functionalities, and improvements for v3.0. It is our hope that we can bring what the page builder is now to Dante, without any need for search + replacing. We’re doing what we can to make it a reality.

    FYI, we do have a guide to upgrading from Dante to Cardinal, and in all respects it is relatively simple –

    Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.

    – Ed

    Post count: 695

    Hi guys. I was completely blind in customizing Dante that I didn’t realize there was Cardinal…
    Since I understood it’s better than Dante in every single aspect (let’s say that Dante’s page builder has always worked not so well), my only question is: do I have to pay full price to upgrade to it or do you provide a discount for loyal customer? Since I’d like to run the best for my ecommerce, I don’t want to miss Cardinal.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441


    – I am sorry to say that you need to buy it separately without any discount.

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