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Thank you kyle,
I noticed this feature. But it is not possible to reduce the image height without changing the area width ?
I had the same issue. Resolved re-editing the theme translation files. Just add / remove / change the translated words in the po files, save it and upload it. Even if the word already exist, you have to edit it again and save the file to make it display on the theme.
OK !
Many thanks 🙂
Hi Ecopark,
I’m using wpml with Atelier too. When I activate wpml the site backend is extremely slow, with many “connection time out” error after updating any page or product.
Can you tell me how you resolved your issue number 5 before I create another topic.
Many thanks
Yes that’s will be fine like this, but that’s strange…
Child theme is activated, I’m listening to you.Hi David,
The language files in wp-content/themes/atelier/languages are “almost” well translated. But, for some reason the french translation doesn’t display for some parts.
If I modify some translation then save the po file and send it back to the server, it works great. For example :
“Coupon code” is translated by “Code Promotionnel” into the po file (wich doesn’t display).
If I change it for “Code promo”, it works. I did this trick for many items and it’s ok.
Will the translated files be deleted by the future theme updates ?
Many thanks.
Here is the woocommerce po file in attachement.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Hi David,
Thank you again.
Yes, I just updated the translations. As I said It is OK when I activate an other theme like twenty fifteen (see attached files). When I go back to Atelier these words are not translated no more…
Login page of the test site :
Go to “boutique” to add a product, then “panier” to see the result.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Hi All,
Thank you for your help !But the issue comes from the Atelier theme, sorry…
As you can see in screenshot from a clean install of WordPress / Atelier, everything is translated when I activate the theme “twenty-fifteen”. But if I go back to Atelier the french translation vanishes again for some words.
You can try it with your admin account David.
Mohammad, your plug in works great, but I will need to use different languages then, and it will be hard to manage with it.
You must be logged in to view attached files.This reply has been marked as private.Hi,
Thank you again. I have tried the forced translation tool, without result.The files were into wp-content/languages/plugins
I created a woocommerce folder and move the files into it. You can see the name’s files in attachment.
The po files are yet well translated into french, do I have to edit them again ??? For “view cart” = “votre panier” wich is ok. But still displaying “view cart” on front end.
Can’t it be an issue with the theme ? I see the po files for french into wp-content/themes/atelier/language/
They look well translated too, but they are not loaded.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi !
Thank you for your help. I tried it without result.
Resolved using snazzy map plugin.Regards