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  • in reply to: Parallax Element Question #56418
    Post count: 34

    Hi Kyle,

    I added the recommended custom CSS styling, changed all page id’s to 12102 and changed the logo URL.

    Here is the page –>

    1) My logo has disappeared and it seems like the menu has shifted to the left
    2) On mobile I just see a giant white rectangle where the parallax should be

    Any insights?

    Thanks so much for your help 🙂

    in reply to: Adding Shortcode Button to Revolutionary Slider #56233
    Post count: 34

    Thanks Kyle.

    Using the code about, when I look from the front end the button area seems to be cut off.

    I shouldn’t have to add a special CSS style, should I?

    in reply to: Adding Shortcode Button to Revolutionary Slider #56188
    Post count: 34

    Hi Kyle,

    Attached is a screen shot of what i’m seeing. The button isn’t styled.

    Let me know your thoughts.


    in reply to: Post photos not scaling correctly in mobile/tablet #27847
    Post count: 34


    in reply to: help how do i Make home page wided #6841
    Post count: 34

    That slider is for your blog posts – not a static image.

    If you go to supreme options in your dashboard and select ‘header options’ you can upload a customer header logo.

    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #5006
    Post count: 34

    For some reason the code isn’t coming through – see the attached screenshot

    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #5005
    Post count: 34


    I figured it out!
    If you need to show someone in the future how to accomplish this – here is the code in blog.php


    $items .= ‘<li class=”blog-item”>’;

    if ($post_format == “quote”) {
    $items .= ‘<div class=”quote-display”><i class=”icon-quote-left”></i></div>’;
    } else {
    $items .= $item_figure;

    $items .= ‘<div class=”blog-details-wrap”>’;
    $items .= ‘<div class=”item-cats”>’. $post_categories .'</div>’;
    if ($post_format != “aside”) {
    if ($blog_type == “masonry”) {
    $items .= ‘<h4>‘. $post_title .’</h4>’;
    } else {
    $items .= ‘<h3>‘. $post_title .’</h3>’;
    $items .= ‘<div class=”blog-item-details”>’. sprintf(__(‘By %1$s on %3$s’, ‘swiftframework’), $post_author, get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ )), $post_date) .'</div>’;
    $items .= ‘<!– AddThis Button BEGIN –>
    <div class=”addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ”
    addthis:title=”‘. $post_title .'”>

    <script type=”text/javascript”>var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};</script>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//”></script>
    <!– AddThis Button END –>’;

    Thanks for your help!


    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #4861
    Post count: 34


    I’m throwing in the towel – I can’t figure this out.

    I added this to functions:
         ================================================== */
         function tweet_button() {
     $post_title = get_the_title();
     $post_permalink = get_permalink();
     $html = ‘<iframe allowtransparency=”true” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” src=”’;
     $html .= ‘url=’ . $post_permalink . ‘&text=’ . $post_title . ‘&count=none&via=wkndcollective”></iframe>’;
      return $html;

    And here is an excerpt from blog.php (i’ve highlighted the code i injected)

    $items .= ‘<div class=”excerpt”>’. $post_excerpt .'</div>’;
    $items .= ‘<div id=”social”><?php echo tweet_button();? </div>’;
    $items .= ‘<div class=”read-more-bar”><a class=”read-more” href=”‘.$post_permalink.'”>’.__(“TEST”, “swiftframework”).'<i class=”icon-chevron-right”></i></a>’ ;
    $items .= ‘<div class=”comments-likes”>’;
    $items .= ‘<div id=”social”> <span class=”twitter”><?php echo tweet_button();?></span></div>’;
    if ( comments_open() ) {
    if ($use_disqus) {
    $items .= ‘<a href=”‘.$post_permalink.’#comment-area”><i class=”icon-comments”></i><span>’. disqus_count(false) .'</span></a> ‘;
    } else {
    $items .= ‘<a href=”‘.$post_permalink.’#comment-area”><i class=”icon-comments”></i><span>’. $post_comments .'</span></a> ‘;
    What would you charge to implement this and/or send me a zipped theme with this implemented (so it actually works)?




    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #4758
    Post count: 34

    FYI – i’m currently using AddThis to generate the social icons in the above screenshot – but like I said, if there is a better and more effective way to execute this – i’m all ears.



    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #4753
    Post count: 34

    Hi Cosmin,

    You’ve been very helpful and I appreciate your patience.

    Here’s my dilema [see attached screenshots].

    After looking through supreme\includes\page-builder\composer\lib\shortcodes – here is where i think i should inject code:



    $items .= ‘<li class=”blog-item”>’;


    if ($post_format == “quote”) {

    $items .= ‘<div class=”quote-display”><i class=”icon-quote-left”></i></div>’;

    } else {

    $items .= $item_figure;



    $items .= ‘<div class=”blog-details-wrap”>’;

    $items .= ‘<div class=”item-cats”>’. $post_categories .'</div>’;

    if ($post_format != “aside”) {

    if ($blog_type == “masonry”) {

    $items .= ‘<h4><a href=”‘.$post_permalink.'”>’. $post_title .'</a></h4>’;

    } else {

    $items .= ‘<h3><a href=”‘.$post_permalink.'”>’. $post_title .'</a></h3>’;



    $items .= ‘<div class=”blog-item-details”>’. sprintf(__(‘By <a href=”%2$s”>%1$s</a> on %3$s’, ‘swiftframework’), $post_author, get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ )), $post_date) .'</div>’;

    if ($post_format == “quote”) {

    $items .= ‘<div class=”quote-excerpt heading-font”>’. get_the_content() .'</div>’;

    } else if ($post_format == “chat”) {

    $items .= ‘<div class=”excerpt”>’. get_the_content() .'</div>’;

    } else {

    $items .= ‘<div class=”excerpt”>’. $post_excerpt .'</div>’;


    $items .= ‘<div class=”read-more-bar”><a class=”read-more” href=”‘.$post_permalink.'”>’.__(“Read more”, “swiftframework”).'<i class=”icon-chevron-right”></i></a>’;

    $items .= ‘<div class=”comments-likes”>’;

    if ( comments_open() ) {

    if ($use_disqus) {

    $items .= ‘<a href=”‘.$post_permalink.’#comment-area”><i class=”icon-comments”></i><span>’. disqus_count(false) .'</span></a> ‘;

    } else {

    $items .= ‘<a href=”‘.$post_permalink.’#comment-area”><i class=”icon-comments”></i><span>’. $post_comments .'</span></a> ‘;



    if (function_exists( ‘lip_love_it_link’ )) {

    $items .= lip_love_it_link(get_the_ID(), ‘<i class=”icon-heart”></i>’, ‘<i class=”icon-heart”></i>’, false);


    $items .= ‘</div></div>’;


    $items .= ‘</div></li>’;


    $item_figure = ”;





    $items .= ‘</ul>’;


    There are a few different ways I can add these buttons – one is with an iframe:
    <iframe  style=”display:inline” allowtransparency=”true” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”        src=”<?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>&amp;via=wkndcollective&amp;text=<?php wp_title(); ?>”        style=”width:130px; height:50px;”></iframe>

    OR I can add this to functions.php

    ================================================== */

    function tweet_button() {

    $post_title = get_the_title();
    $post_permalink = get_permalink();
    $html = ‘<iframe allowtransparency=”true” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” src=”’;
    $html .= ‘url=’ . $post_permalink . ‘&text=’ . $post_title . ‘&count=none&via=wkndcollective”></iframe>’;

    return $html;

    And use this in conjunction:

    <div id=”social”>
    <span class=”twitter”><?php echo tweet_button();?></span>

    Am i’m going about this correctly? Do you know any other users of supreme that have accomplished the adding of sharing buttons? I just want to be able to use the page builder, add a blog and have every post overview contain these buttons.

    Again, I appreciate your ongoing support.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #4606
    Post count: 34

    Hi Cosmin,

    I appreciate your help – but unfortunately that isn’t solving the problem.

    If i had it as a text element I will basically get a page that is Blog + a sharing area. I want each blog post to have the sharing icons – does that make sense?

    If i choose a static front page – I’ll use the page building to add a blog. Which is great, that is what I want – but I dont get the sharing icons.

    If i use “latest posts” as my front page – for some reason the sharing icons show up (you can see my site here with lastests posts as my front page:

    Where in the php/css sheets can I access the blog portion of the page builder. I want to inject code so I can see these social sharing buttons.

    I’d be more than happy to take this offline and follow up with you via email with some screen shots to clarify further the goal i’m trying to achieve (or if you know if there is a better solution to achieve my goal).

    Again, I appreciate your help on this.


    in reply to: How to add Jetpack social icons to blog overview page #4330
    Post count: 34

    Hi Cosmin,

    Is there a way to use twitter iFrame code to insert it – if so where (functions.php or index.php)?

    Here is the button

    Here is the code :

    <iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=" <?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>&amp; via=[YOUR TWITTER USERNAME]&amp;text=<?php wp_title(); ?>" style="width:130px; height:50px;"> </iframe>

    I just need to be pointed in the right direction on where to put it.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Can\'t edit \"functions.php\" #4117
    Post count: 34

    I just FTP’d into my host and accessed it.

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