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  • in reply to: "Share This Article" at top of post #162674
    Post count: 15

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Excessively Slow Page Load Times #122149
    Post count: 15

    But don’t I need a lot of these plug ins for the site to function. Many of them came with the theme like the Breadcrumb and Revolution Slider. Do I not need these plugged in for those features to work?

    in reply to: Homepage Revolution Slider Disappeared #122145
    Post count: 15

    I would like to point out that the header options say “Upload your logo here (any size).” I have it set for 100 pixel height and 75 pixel during sticky header. Also, this resizing occurred due to my following instructions as to my other issues related to page load times. I used the Super Cache and image optimizer to solve the slow load issues and then those plug ins caused this. Another plug in I was told you use (for expired headers) made the entire site show up as wing dings. This feels kind of like “damned if you do and damned if you don’t”.

    in reply to: Page speed #122032
    Post count: 15

    I am dealing with slow load times. Above the changes mentioned where apache to nginx and not uploading all of the example content. I would like to remove the example content on the site to see if that helps with the slow load times.

    in reply to: Page speed #121743
    Post count: 15

    How does one delete the example content? I’m also working on the slow page load issue.

    in reply to: Parallax Font #119779
    Post count: 15

    Thank you

    in reply to: Social Media Icons Not Displaying #119657
    Post count: 15

    For future reference, where do I find the controls to switch it between the top bar and the header?

    in reply to: Social Media Icons Not Displaying #119655
    Post count: 15

    Thank you. It looks great. I added the css.

    in reply to: Post images don't show up when shared on Facebook etc. #119489
    Post count: 15

    I am also having this issue. My images, titles, and descriptions are not showing up when posted to Facebook. The images do not appear on G+, tumblr, etc. There is one post that I have been able to get to show the image, and I have no idea why. However, it only shows the image when I use the full web address. If I use the “Get Shortlink” or any of the other sharing options it does not show the image.

    I have also attempted deactivating the SEO plug and added the NFGB Open Graph plug in. Still not working.

    Here is the full link where it works:
    Here is the short link of the same that doesn’t work:
    Here is a full link that doesn’t work (just as an example):

    in reply to: After latest update, Icon box icon has disappeared #119458
    Post count: 15

    Apologies for not being more descriptive. I entered the css into the “Custom CSS” in Theme Options. However, the icons are not appearing. I’m not proficient enough to go into any base files to change the code.

    in reply to: Social Media Icons Not Displaying #119457
    Post count: 15
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: posts having an initial image #119313
    Post count: 15

    I have been experiencing the same issue of Facebook posts not including the title, description, and thumbnail. They just show a gray box that simply has my website address listed twice (once as the headline and again as the description. When I use the WordPress share tool embedded within the tool I get the title and description, but I do not get the thumbnail.

    This seems to be related to the main social media integration issues I am experiencing. This includes not having my social media icons appear in the header and footer, not being able to integrate my social feeds through Settings>Sharing>Publicize (I’m getting Error code: -10520).

    I entered this custom css as you instructed, but that did not work. Your assistance is appreciated.

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    in reply to: After latest update, Icon box icon has disappeared #118706
    Post count: 15

    For those of us that don’t do custom css, how do we solve this problem?

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