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  • in reply to: Remove featured image from the top of blog posts? #213248
    Post count: 28

    Hi Mohammad,

    Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn’t stop the image downloading, and the featured images are quite large.
    Rather than hide it with CSS, I was hoping to delete the line of PHP the adds it.

    Could you point me in the right direction?


    in reply to: some problems after update to Version 1.71 #210579
    Post count: 28

    Hi Ed,

    I have a feeling this is due the page structure changing (although it should like you might have worked that out already).

    Not sure if this is related to you recently fixing an issue with the masonry layout causing the page height to be miscalculated resulting in the footer being placed on top of the images…

    It seems like you’ve changed the page structure in a strange way.

    Where previously the products were a list… they now seem to simply be divs, but still inside a <ul>, which can’t make much sense?
    used to be
    <ul><li product><li product></ul>

    now it’s

    <ul><div product></div><div product></div></ul>

    which is’t semantically correct, and is likely to cause funny/unexpected interpretation in different browsers I’d have guessed…

    in reply to: Mobile product layout has changed? #210578
    Post count: 28

    Not sure if this is related to you recently fixing an issue with the masonry layout causing the page height to be miscalculated resulting in the footer being placed on top of the images…

    It seems like you’ve changed the page structure in a strange way.

    Where previously the products were a list… they now seem to simply be divs, but still inside a

      , which can’t make much sense?

      used to be

      <li product><li product>

    now it’s

      <div product></div><div product></div>

    which is’t semantically correct, and is likely to cause funny/unexpected interpretation in different browsers I’d have guessed…

    in reply to: Replicate newsletter form #208969
    Post count: 28

    Having tried to use the form provided in the FAQ I’m a little confused.

    I think the FAQ possibly is for the long pop-up bar at the bottom.

    From what I can tell, the sign-up widget on the bottom left is actually a contact form with mailchimp integration.

    Would be keen to try this too, as it’s much nicer than the basic mailchimp signup page.

    Is there directions anywhere on how to achieve this?

    in reply to: Replicate newsletter form #208959
    Post count: 28

    I was coming to the forum to ask the exact same question…

    Then I saw they’d already put the exact details of how to do it in the FAQ at the top of the forum:

    Replicate the newsletter bar form

    That explains it.

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    Post count: 28

    So I’m pretty sure this is a bug in your Atelier base code, given that a lot of the pages peter just linked to in your own demos are also broken.

    Luckily I think it’s also a quick fix.

    The reason that the solutions you’ve suggested aren’t working, is because the code in Atelier, ignores the custom redirect that you and the Woocommerce site have suggested, by leaving out a key line of code.

    in woocommere/cart/cart.php, line 155 the continue shopping link is created with the following line:

    href=”<?php echo get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( ‘shop’ ) ); ?>”>

    when I think it should be created with the same code that the base woocommerce plugin uses, which allows for the override:

    href=”<?php echo apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_continue_shopping_redirect’, get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( ‘shop’ ) ) ); ?>”>

    I’m assuming that the same goes wherever else that code is duplicated in the theme.
    Also, as woocommerce recommend a similar solution to the return to shop link for an empty cart, I’d guess that link should be created the same way

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    in reply to: SKU in Search results #196388
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    in reply to: SKU in Search results #196376
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    Is there any chance these could be changed into variables somewhere cleaner in the theme?

    It seems a shame to have to create a duplicate of that file in a child theme just to change image dimensions.

    With it being such a big file, and having so much logic in it, there’s every chance that future updates to the theme will touch it for bug fixes etc, which I’ll miss out on unless I start doing a diff every time you release an update.


    in reply to: Product thumbnail variations disappear when clicked on #158696
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    in reply to: Product thumbnail variations disappear when clicked on #157333
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