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  • in reply to: Clickable Icons in version 1.2 #73457
    Post count: 71

    Hi guys,

    I’ve read quite a few comments on the forum for clickable icon boxes – something I wanted to do myself as well.

    Tahir’s solution of wrapping the icon box in an href tag does work for me.
    I think a possible reason that the solution wasn’t working for @type2designs is that in Tahir’s posted solution above there is no closing tag. Plus this only works in classic text not classic visual mode. If you use classic visual you will end up with the href above the icon as @type2designs discovered earlier.

    I added in that closing tag and it works perfectly. A super easy work around. For reference I have pasted my code below so that it’s easy to see where the tag must go.

    A few notes
    >This MUST be done in the classic editor in TEXT mode, not in visual mode.
    >The theme will prompt the following warning when returning to swift page builder mode “By switching to the page builder, any content not in page builder assets will be removed for consistency” – I have clicked yes here to no ill effects (perhaps Ed will tell me I’m about to break his whole theme 😀 )
    >If you do this with an animated icon box, the entire box becomes a clickable link – pretty cool
    >It works with the animated fade in
    >If you go back and edit your icon box in the swift page builder for whatever reason, the builder will update the code deleting your href and you will have to go back to the classic editor and do it again. Remember the text mode not visual mode – source of endless frustration for me 😀

    <a href="">[spb_icon_box box_type="standard" image="ss-flag" color="standard" animation="none" animation_delay="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]</a> clickable box icon [/spb_icon_box]

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