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  • in reply to: Translation issues #110341
    Post count: 44

    Hello Ed,

    I must miss something:

    I have written in the file wp-config.php define(‘WPLANG’,’es_ES’);
    My computer and browser is set to Spanish.
    I have installed the plugin Codestyle Localization and I have translated some strings.
    No other languages installed.

    Any idea about what is wrong?

    in reply to: Translation issues #110220
    Post count: 44

    I still cannot translate the missing words, nor with the plugin Codestyle Localization neither with the poedit program.

    What should I do? Wait for a future theme update?

    in reply to: Cardinal meta boxes #110211
    Post count: 44

    You are wellcome!

    It is not the easiest plugin but with a little work, almost everything in the backoffice is customizable!

    in reply to: Cardinal meta boxes #110133
    Post count: 44


    I use this plugin in other website (not with Cardinal template). With this plugin you can choose which meta boxes will be available depending on roles and also you can choose almost every menu based on roles.

    I am sure it will work with Cardinal. It is a great plugin and very well maintained.

    in reply to: Translation issues #109875
    Post count: 44

    I see that you deleted the meta box lang directory.

    Now the work flow within the Codestyle Localization plugin works well but I cannot see the frontoffice of my web in Spanish. The cache is off and my computer language is set to Spanish. So I do not know why I don’t see the text translated in Spanish. I have translated strigs like: “Share This”, “Categories”, “Tags”, “0 comments”…

    in reply to: Translation issues #109869
    Post count: 44

    OK. Have you published already this update? Or should I delete the meta box lang directory?

    In the themes/cardinal/language/es_ES.po file, there are string missing. For example:

    File: es_US.po
    Original Text: Share This Line: 1237

    This text is not in es_ES.po file

    in reply to: Translation issues #109769
    Post count: 44

    I have been working with language files in themes/cardinal/language

    What I see is that there are some strings in en_US.po that are missing in es_es.po

    I do not know how to add them. And I do not want to start from scratch with the en_US.po file

    in reply to: Translation issues #109451
    Post count: 44
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Page title and breadcrumbs in the same line #108848
    Post count: 44

    OK. Thank you for your answer.

    But just think about when it is needed two different rows, one for breadcrumbs and one for the title of the page. Just in my opinion, it is too much screen space for this information in most cases.

    in reply to: Translation issues #108845
    Post count: 44


    this does not work. I have a test site with a clean Cardinal installation. These are the steps I followed:

    1. First I try to rescan the file and I get this error

    2. Then I rename the file /cardinal/includes/meta-bos/lang/es.po to es_ES.po

    3. After this, I rescan the theme. Then I translate some words like “categories” and “share this”.

    4. Create the .po file and the .mo file but nothing change. My wp-config file is set the language to es_ES

    5. Note the huge .po file generated in /cardinal/includes/meta-bos/lang/

    6. Also check where the codestyle localization save the translated file

    I can upload a clean backup of the demo site so you can replecate the problem. And also I can give you access to WP and FTP.

    in reply to: Option to order the social icons #107952
    Post count: 44

    OK. Thank you!

    Post count: 44

    I have written all the information in this other thread

    You can delete this one.

    in reply to: Translation issues #107827
    Post count: 44


    I come back to this thread. Now I am using last version 1.71 of Cardinal. I am using the plugin Codestyle Localization to translate the theme but something is not working.

    When I first try to edit the po files, I get the message (see image attached) “Your translation file doesn’t support the multiple textdomains in one translation file extension.
    Please re-scan the related source files at the overview page to enable this feature.”

    So then, I come back and scan the theme directory with the plugin.

    The plugin scan the directory to search .po files and then you can edit them. But I get an error (see image attached) “You do not have the permission to read the file ‘/nas/wp/www/cluster-2588/testalimmenta/wp-content/themes/cardinal/includes/meta-box/lang/es_ES.po’.”

    This file does not exist in the directory. It exist the file es.po

    If I rename the file to es_ES.po, tha plugin can scan the directories. But when I translate the expresions and then I create the po file, it will save all the translations in wp-content/themes/cardinal/includes/meta-box/lang/es_ES.po

    I have translated more then 10 themes using this plugin so I have some experience and I do not know what happens here. Could you please help me with this issue?

    I have also tried to use Poedit to translate wp-content/themes/cardinal/language/es_ES.po
    But there are some strings that are not translated: see image “strings_not_translated_with_Poedit.png”
    Are these strings not correctly read it by the theme?

    If you need, I can give you access to my server. Thank you and best regards

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Option to order the social icons #107818
    Post count: 44

    Yes, It works! I wrote: [social type=”facebook,twitter,youtube,linkedin,googleplus,instagram,vimeo,rss”]

    I could not find information about how to use this shortcode and it cannot be configured in the shorcut editor. Do you have information about how to use this and other shortcodes or are you planning to include it in the theme documentation?

    Best regards!

    in reply to: SPB Sections example #106844
    Post count: 44

    I would like to say “Thank you” for this update. For me is a must in my projects.

    Every version gets nice improvements!

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