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  • in reply to: Problems after latest WP Update (4.5) #261578
    Post count: 18

    I also had problems with the WP upgrade and did not see an update to cardinal anywhere – specifically inside of my appearance › theme area. Therefore, I had to go back to an old version of WP to fix things for now. Can anyone provide information on where to get the Theme Update if it’s not showing up within WP? I’m seeing a few topics commenting that the release should happen “in the next few hours” , but I’m unable to see it when I log in.

    Many thanks-

    in reply to: Update error #196221
    Post count: 18

    Tried again this morning and the update was successful.
    Everything seems to be working fine, except some of the icon box animations that were once just fine, are all not working or completely not showing up. I find that to be weird considering the shortcodes look to be the same as previous versions.
    When I remove the animation part of the icon box shortcode, the text finally shows. Otherwise, the icon, the title and the text are all missing. Any ideas why this would be affected?

    Prior to update:

    [sf_iconbox image=”fa-circle” character=”1″ color=”standard” type=”left-icon” title=”


    ” link=”” target=”_self” animation=”flip-x” animation_delay=”200″]

    What do you customers find compelling? How can you increase brand loyalty? Together we’ll interpret the spectrum of your needs, challenge your assumptions, discover new ideas, and help you quickly get to the heart of the matter.

    [/sf_iconbox][progress_bar percentage=”16.6″ name=”” value=”” type=”progress-striped active” colour=”#ef5029″][/one_half]


    in reply to: Update error #195386
    Post count: 18

    @Ed- Yep. We are on Cardinal 2.02…wanting to update but a bit afraid and cannot because of failure.
    Do you recommend that the updates ALWAYS be installed?

    in reply to: Update error #195359
    Post count: 18

    Hello All – I am getting this same error. Just tried installing the update this morning: July 16.
    Any advice?

    Error is:
    The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

    in reply to: Background Image Padding creates unwanted dropshadow #168830
    Post count: 18

    Hi @mlc2475
    I wish I could tell you that there was a list of extra classes somewhere, but I remember specifically doing a search for the shadow…and wanting to remove it.
    Sorry I can’t help you more!!! Perhaps the guys at Swift will read your comment and be able to provide some help! Good luck!

    in reply to: Responsive Logo Issues #150737
    Post count: 18

    I am having a similar issue on a retina display – the logo is stretched even though my max height is correct at 75. Any suggestions?

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #150028
    Post count: 18

    Thank you Mohammad! I really appreciate all your help!

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #150022
    Post count: 18

    Scratch that, it seems to be working great now!!!! Perhaps I needed to be patient 😉

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #150011
    Post count: 18

    Hi Mohammad –
    I’ve successfully installed the child theme AND added your custom code, but it is not working to ONLY show the parent categories on this page:

    Instead, it shows ALL of the categories: both parent and child.

    Let me know if there is something else we can do you ONLY show PARENT categories at the top of this page. Thank you .

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #149621
    Post count: 18

    Hi There Mohammad –
    Got it setup – but the plugin automatically deactivates itself because of the following errow :

    Any thoughts?

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #149585
    Post count: 18

    Hi Mohammad –
    Thanks for the reply but we are not totally sure on how use the theme child. Do you have documentation or a link on how to do it properly? Once it is ready, I will simply add the above code to the functions.php of the child theme, correct?

    Thanks for your help-

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #149264
    Post count: 18

    HI Mohammad – Just making sure you saw the login info above? Thanks!!!

    in reply to: Filter Portfolio using PARENT Categories Only #149135
    Post count: 18
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Image On Top of Video for Swift Slider #148850
    Post count: 18

    Nevermind, Kyle. I believe I figured it out. I’ll drop back in if I have any further questions – thank you.

    in reply to: Image On Top of Video for Swift Slider #148843
    Post count: 18

    Hi Kyle – The caption area really doesn’t have a button or a way to add media.
    I’ve tried adding it the code, but the image previews all huge and not the correct size. Any suggestions?

    See caption area screenshot – no “add media” button:

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