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  • in reply to: Stop media files from uploading multiple files #162708
    Post count: 42

    never mind i figured it out

    in reply to: Changes #155157
    Post count: 42

    thank you. but on some pages i still don’t see my side bar. maybe i’m doing something wrong. one more thing, is there anyway i can have my master slider to show the top of the photo i have set a “featured image”. when i change all the “fillmodes” the one one that where I can see the top of the image is “tile” but I don’t want the photo to show a “tile”

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    in reply to: Changes #153959
    Post count: 42

    Could you send the JS enable code? With that code will the image be full size image?

    1) I’ll try to find that
    2) i see it now

    for this post do i need to do the something? .. there isn’t a side bar but PREVIOUS ARTICLE and NEXT ARTICLE

    thanks for all the help!

    in reply to: Changes #153951
    Post count: 42

    thanks for getting back to me.

    how can i do a bulk update tool for the fancy header? I’ll have to e-mail you a login to see the page for 4. and as for 3, is there a way to have a single image to open up in the the lightbox? there’s a side bar but no PREVIOUS ARTICLE and NEXT ARTICLE there isn’t a side bar but is a PREVIOUS ARTICLE and NEXT ARTICLE

    i would like a side bar and PREVIOUS ARTICLE and NEXT ARTICLE on both

    in reply to: Changes #152915
    Post count: 42

    can someone PLEASE help me?

    in reply to: Changes #152285
    Post count: 42

    one more thing, when i have the side bar on every post, the PREVIOUS ARTICLE and NEXT ARTICLE slider doesn’t come up anymore and the side bar only comes up when i have the title in “fancy”. Is there anything I can do to have it back on?

    in reply to: Changes #152202
    Post count: 42

    also.. is there any way to have the image lightbox to load single images along with gallery images?

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)