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  • in reply to: Issues with July 1st update #280531
    Post count: 20

    While there are some core WooCommerce templates that have been overwritten, the my-account.php file has not been. That is still the original at /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-account.php

    I do not have any customer logins that I can give you, but I do have a work around. You can go into WooCommerce –> Orders and find an order tied to a user account (blue & clickable user names). Click on the users name and look for the “Switch To” link right above the Name filed in the WordPress –> Users dashboard (courtesy of the User Switching plugin). When done, be sure to scroll to the bottom of whatever page you are viewing while signed in as a customer and in the lower left hand corner you will see a link to switch back to your original profile.

    We did test the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin with the default 2015 theme and it added the tracking information to the My Account page with that default theme.

    in reply to: Issues with July 1st update #280202
    Post count: 20

    Can anyone get some eyeballs on this issue?

    Post count: 20

    I had a similar problem a few days ago and my developer told me/did this:

    “It’s with the themes performance settings. If I turn off the themes built in Load pre-minified scripts, the site works”

    in reply to: WordPress update 4.5.1 #264651
    Post count: 20

    I found the problem. It’s with the themes performance settings. If I turn off the themes built in Load pre-minified scripts, everything goes back to the way it should look.

    in reply to: WordPress update 4.5.1 #264448
    Post count: 20

    Hi David,

    I am having the same problem as Adrien and I did what you said prior to writing this. My issue still exists that I can not see my content (my products). They’re there but invisible on my homepage and my shop pages. If I hover in the whitespace, the finger icon appears to click and doing so will lead you to the individual product page.

    What’s next?

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