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  • cori_tmc
    Post count: 50

    Hello, Rui!

    Thank you for your reply. I activated the Twenty Seventeen theme and tested it again, and it did not give me the error. Swift support is working on another ticket for me simultaneously (Icon Boxes Not Displaying Properly on Safari), so I had to switch the theme back, but I’ve attached some screen shots.

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    When will this option be built into the theme itself? The framework is already there since it shows twitter, facebook and pinterest. Also, in the settings there is a Social Profiles tab that provides spaces for us to enter our social profile usernames.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Modal display problem in my account and checkout page #314975
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    in reply to: Modal display problem in my account and checkout page #314969
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    I’m having this same problem after updating my Swift Framework. Is there another fix for this yet, or do I just need to paste the custom CSS mentioned in this thread?

    You can view the issue by clicking on Frequently Asked Questions here:

    And by clicking on Scent Guide here:

    I’ve also attached images of the problem.

    Thank you!

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    in reply to: Rows are no longer full width after them/framework update. #314967
    Post count: 50

    Thank you very much! It was a caching issue.

    in reply to: Please Enter Coupon Code when Calculating Shipping in Cart #300605
    Post count: 50


    I have updated the Atelier Theme and the Swift Framework as you have requested. If you test the site you’ll see that the problem persists. In order to properly test it please visit the shop at and add an item to your cart. Go to the Cart page. It’s very important that you enter a coupon first before calculating shipping. Use captainmma in the coupon field and hit apply coupon. Then enter your country, state, and zip and hit Update Totals. You’ll see that it does not calculate shipping, and on some browsers it even returns an error at the top of the page saying to Please Enter a Coupon Code, even though there is a valid coupon already applied. The coupon and shipping work fine on the checkout page, but this is a big problem on the Cart page.

    Also, now that I’ve updated Atelier and the Swift Framework you’ll see that several of my page elements are broken now on the main page here: Images are missing and rows no longer appear edge to edge. How can I fix this?

    Please help troubleshoot this issue so that my customers can easily use coupons this holiday season. This is an urgent matter.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Please Enter Coupon Code when Calculating Shipping in Cart #299709
    Post count: 50

    Hello, David.

    As I mentioned in the first message I sent, I already tried updating the theme and the framework.

    “I did update the Atelier version to the latest one, along with the Swift Framework, but the problem persisted, and I was getting all kinds of display issues that I don’t have time to fix right now.”

    I reverted it to the previous version because the update caused all kinds of display issues, AND the issue I was having did not go away.

    Also, I went through and disabled every plugin one by one and tested the cart each time to see if the issue was resolved, and it was not.

    WooThemes support also tried troubleshooting the issue, and this is the information I received from them:

    If you switch to the default WordPress theme and disable the “Swift Framework” plugin, this issue goes away. However, if you re-enable the theme the issue comes back, even with the Swift Framework plugin disabled.

    So this conflict is being caused by a combination of the Swift Framework extension and your theme (both by the same authors it seems). You will need to get in contact with the theme developers about this, as only they can resolve this bug.

    Can you please help me resolve this issue? This is a time sensitive matter.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: wishlist issues #292871
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    in reply to: Paypal Express Checkout Caught in Loop #292626
    Post count: 50

    Thank you! That worked. 🙂

    in reply to: Paypal Express Checkout Caught in Loop #292289
    Post count: 50


    I figured out that the Paypal Express plugin that I’m using is actually a retired plugin, so I installed and tested another plugin, which seems to be working correctly for both guest checkouts and logged in checkouts from the Checkout page.

    However the Pay with Paypal button on the Cart page doesn’t process payments properly, and I’d still like to remove it. Do you have any code that I can insert that will remove the Pay Paypal button from the Cart page only?

    Thank you for your help.


    in reply to: add to cart issue? #287242
    Post count: 50

    I’m having almost the same issue. You can visit this page:
    Leave all the variables on “Choose an Option” and then hit Add To Cart. You’ll get this message, “Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.” Once you hit okay the Add To Cart button says “Adding…” and begins spinning and does not stop. It still spins even after someone selects the variables they want. This will be very confusing for customers.

    I appreciate your time and assistance.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Cart Overlay Buttons #284986
    Post count: 50

    It looks like that worked! Thank you for your help!

    in reply to: Cart Overlay Buttons #284698
    Post count: 50

    The exact issue is:

    1. The cart overlay still appears over too much area of the product photos on some screens. (screenshot attached)

    2. On other screens when the cart does not appear, someone can still accidentally click in that area and add a product to the cart without meaning to. (screenshot attached)

    Is there a way to get rid of the cart overlay buttons completely, and only use the add to cart button below the product? Is there a setting in the theme settings that allows me to turn it off, or any css code you can provide?

    Thank you,


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    in reply to: Wishlist no Email Share Options or Product Photo #284692
    Post count: 50

    I have version 2.1.51.

    Yes, I have social sharing turned on for all the options (screenshot attached).
    It shows all the options except for the email option. (screenshot attached)

    Also, my mobile wishlist doesn’t have photos of the product. Is this normal? (screenshot attached)

    Thank you,


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