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  • in reply to: Product Shop Display Spacing Issues #273935
    Post count: 30

    Hi David,

    Yes this is what we are referring to. And agree the output does seem better after the 2.1.2 update although still not in all areas of the site (see attached image from after 2.1.2 update)

    As much as we would like to get this issue fixed, its not really feasible for us to deactivate all plugins on the site since that would make our store non-functional. Are there any specific plugins that you think could be the cause that we could selectively deactivate temporarily and not affect the whole site?


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    in reply to: Product Shop Display Spacing Issues #273279
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    in reply to: Product Shop Display Spacing Issues #273003
    Post count: 30

    Hi Kyle,

    Yes we are using 2.1.1 and have made all updates.

    in reply to: Cannot access backend #272151
    Post count: 30

    Hi Rui,

    Never mind I followed your instructions on how to edit the code directly in the php file and it now works. Thanks!

    in reply to: Cannot access backend #272146
    Post count: 30

    It turns out the file in theme forest is still for version 2.1.0 so that is the reason. Can you please provide a direct link to download the choice.php file? Or a link to download all the 2.1.1 files if there were any other changes made. Thanks

    in reply to: Cannot access backend #272145
    Post count: 30

    I uploaded all of the new files in 2.1.1 and our backend is still not working. Maybe you need to access our ftp to check the files?


    in reply to: Cannot access backend #271847
    Post count: 30

    I am having the exact same issue, no backend after the recent update. This is really urgent since we are not able to process any orders or manage our site without the backend.

    in reply to: Spacing Issue with Page Builder Product Element #265897
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    in reply to: Most Recent Update #229515
    Post count: 30

    For us it has always been available to upgrade via the dashboard. It used to show up under upgrades in WordPress anytime an update was available.

    in reply to: Most Recent Update #229508
    Post count: 30

    I’m having the same issue where the update v1.80 is not showing up in the dashboard as it did with previous updates. This allowed us to simply click an “update” button and have the theme update automatically. Will the update v1.80 be pushed to the wordpress dashboard?

    in reply to: Newest update help #229507
    Post count: 30

    I’m having the same issue where the update is not showing up in the dashboard as it did with previous updates. This allowed us to simply click an “update” button and have the theme update automatically. Will the update be pushed to the wordpress dashboard?

    Post count: 30

    Hi David,

    Yes that product is now displaying correctly because we already removed the product asset so that customers would see the listing properly again.

    The test product that your team created however is still there and you can see the issue in that listing. The product ID 16953 and it is a draft listing so only visible when you log in to the account.


    in reply to: Product slider & menu not showing on certain product pages #218931
    Post count: 30

    I have just created two variations in your test product and this caused the issue to reappear. You can check it. So it seems to be an issue with adding variations.

    in reply to: Product slider & menu not showing on certain product pages #218929
    Post count: 30

    I think it may depend on the settings of the product. For example if it is variable with multiple variations and has multiple product images. I tried duplicating the product and had the same issues. This same issue also affects the majority of our product ID’s not just the one showed to you.

    in reply to: Product slider & menu not showing on certain product pages #218926
    Post count: 30

    Hi Rui,

    Please check product ID 15235 where we have recreated the issue for your reference.

    I am not sure why it works on the listing you showed, but malfunctions on others.


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