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  • brianfogel
    Post count: 22

    David, I was attempting to do this on a shared host and no matter what PHP directives I used it didn’t work. I had read here, there and everywhere that the WordPress importer plugin is problematic and even more so on shared hosts, so I switched gears and did everything from scratch on my own workstation, giving it the recommended higher timeout and memory limits. Here I have full control and plenty of resources to spare. I imported the full demo content and only a few items failed:

    Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled
    Failed to import shop_order_status completed
    Failed to import shop_order_status failed
    Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
    Failed to import shop_order_status pending
    Failed to import shop_order_status processing
    Failed to import shop_order_status refunded

    What do you think caused these items to fail?

    But overall this was a way better result. It shows that having sufficient privileges and resources under your control is a must for the import process to go smoothly. I plan to develop my site on localhost and later move it wholesale to my host.

    Post count: 22

    Cosmin, I am new to WordPress development but this is a good a time as any to get started.  Are you referring to the WordPress options framework or one created by swiftideas?

    Post count: 22

    Thanks, that was easy and it restricts navigation to posts in the same category.  However, this apparently works only if posts belong to a single category.  If any belong to multiple categories they don’t obey.  I guess there’s something more complicated going on with those.  Do you have any idea how to make this really, truly strict?

    Post count: 22

    Thanks very much for your answer.  I am a javascript and PHP coder.  Is there online info that could direct me to the appropriate locations in the codebase?  That would give me a head start?

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