New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions You guys are awesome! :)

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  • #56925
    Post count: 21

    Ed and Swift Ideas Team,

    I posted this on a topic that Ed was helping me with but wanted to post it where other team members might see…

    Thank you so much for you help…I woke up this morning and was thinking how grateful I am to have bought a theme from someone who actually takes pride in, and cares about what he is doing. There is a lot to be constantly doing and staying on top of…you and the whole team you have assembled continue to blow me away…I just wanted to let you know it isn’t lost on me and I am grateful. Thanks so much.. David

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    First of all thank you so much to your feedback. We are always ready to provide best support help at each and every moments to our valuable customers. We are trying to provide better support within few minutes respond .

    Thanks again 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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